Monday, May 26, 2003

Oh my god this damn stat project is driving me insane. Finally she's on to the assessment. Oh lord. It took such a long time. And she doesn't understand any of it anyway- why bother?! lordy lordy lordy. She's really frusterated too. She doesn't know how to work a graphing calculator- I had to write out all of the commands.I think it was the first time i've actually heard my mom say "Fuck it, this is bullshit." Ummm, I guess I'm not gonna be a stat teacher when i grow up! Yes, so, thank god I don't have anything else to do in that class. But it's kind of pointless for me to be doing this project now anyways, because I've already taken the stat test. I really don't wanna go to stupid school anymore and take stupid exams just so I can go to college and- oh wait, SING AND DANCE. Yea I'm really gonna need to know about inferential statistics when I'm trying to figure out the subtext of a character. Somehow I don't see how it all works in. Sorry, just a little frusterated. But it's almost over! I don't have to do anything else with the project, I already filled out the response and everything so now all I have to do is wait for my mom to break down in tears when she can't figure out how to do the test. I gave her all the notes, it's now an open note test- WITH a formula sheet. WITH the commands for the calculator. WITH all the hints I could possibly give without just all and all telling her what to do. I need to do something with the rest of my day. Oh wait, WHAT rest of the day. What a stupid day. It's 8:35 and I haven't been outside for more than 5 minutes. And I have to do my english journal. WHY do I have to do my english journal?! I was excused absent for every day except for the day it was due, but Mr. McKenna told me I had to do it anyway. What bullshit is that? I haven't finished my book, I still have 400 pages to go. Why the hell did I pick a 600 page book to read when I had a choice to read one that was only 200 pages?! I mean, I've read more than 200 pages of my book, so basically if I had picked an easier book I wouldn't have screwed myself over. WAY TO GO LARA that's some SMART thinkin there. And I hope Funny Honey will be okay for tomorrow, I've been practicing but it's the first time that Barry and Seth and I have gotten together to do it, and David hasn't even tried it out yet. And it's tomorrow! Alright, Lara's calm. Lara's breathing. Lara's not gonna write anymore.

*Jim- "So how's Pat? And Tertina? When's graduation? On a Monday? Oh, homework? THROW IT IN THE TRASH. Okay I'll let you do your homework, I'll tell Carol you said hi."


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