Saturday, April 24, 2004

May I say congratulations do all who were in Jekyll and Hyde! That was one amazing show, I love it and i love you guys. The chorus was absolutely FANTASTIC you guys sound so professional!!!! Congrats to Seth, Emily, Crystal, BARKMEYER and Britney for a wonderfully pulled together show. Jeez Seth, what a hard part huh ;). Being two people at once isn't as easy as it...sounds? So yea, i'm going to see it again tonight because I love you guys and want to support you, i know closing night is going to be the best! Oh by the way, the competition went GREAT today, they really loved my voice, let's hope I win some money, ya?! And I'm most likely going to be teaching at Ballet Petite this summer, or working in the office. I think that'll be awesome, and apparently they make a minimum of 9 dollars an hour, it'll be more if i teach. Cool huh? YAY FOR MONEY!!! Okay, i'm going to go eat at Pho now, so i'll write more later



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