Tuesday, June 08, 2004

I'm not sure if i want to audition- my mother is utterly and completely against it, and i haven't even talked to my father about it. They just really really hate the show. I don't honestly think i'll get very far, but i think it would be fun to try out wouldn't it?! I don't know, my mother said only those who cared about me would tell me NOT to do it, but i think that's bullshit. Isn't that bullshit? You guys care about me...that's why you want me to try out, to just have some fun. I'm not exactly serious about this you know, haha. I DON'T THINK I'M GOING TO BE THE NEXT AMERICAN IDOL. Thank you


PS if you haven't voted please do, the link's below this entry


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should!! It would be fun and it would be interesting to see how far you'd get.....it definitely would be an experience

June 8, 2004 at 3:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there, stranger. I voted that you should audition, but I've never actually seen the show. I've heard that they've got a lot of good singers. But I also heard that you've got to have style to make it to the top. While there's no guarantee that you'll have that certain _savoir flare_ they're looking for, at least you've got your own way of doing things.

Anyway, I guess we don't really talk much anymore, but that's my two cents! =)


June 10, 2004 at 7:46 PM  

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