Tuesday, October 05, 2004

ouch, shot down. ;) I didn't know Maryland was doing the computerized voting this time around- that really sucks majorly. How many states are doing that, all of them? Because that really makes me rather sad. So I watched the debates and now i'm completely dead set against Bush even being allowed into the COUNTRY next term, much less elected again. He really knows how to piss me off. And i was impressed that Kerry spoke so elequently, kind of restored my faith in him somewhat, especially when all Bush could do was rattle off the exact same phrase ("what kind of messages are you sending the troops? Wrong war wrong place wrong time. With these mixed messages we'll never win this war...") and say stuff like "The only thing consistant about Kerry's position is....uhh...inconsistancy". Now THAT is a great comeback, got to take note of that one. In other news the choral collage was great and my solo went okay besides the fact that i started in a different key. It was acappella, and he played the pitch pipe- i heard the note, then i guess decided to start a wholestep above that. Nobody noticed except for the kid with perfect pitch in the group. Woman's Chorale brought down the house, got a standing ovation in the middle of the concert. Yay for good spirituals! Upcoming stuff- Premium Blend concert on Wednesday in Ford, it's FREE. On this coming Saturday at 7 in Emerson VoiceStream will be performing, and then at 9 Ithacappella will be performing in Ford, again for FREE. So anyone who loves acappella should commmeeeeee. I gotta go take a shower before class now, yay for me. Byeeeeee



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