Thursday, May 08, 2003

Okay I just completely embarressed myself. When I was away from the computer I wrote the lyrics that I thought went to Jesus Christ Superstar. Yea so I was wrong! Jeez. I know them now. "Jesus Christ, Superstar- Do you think you're what they say you are"....see I got it! Okay, much better day after noon. First, yes, Pamela DID forget about it. Grrrr. I went out to lunch with Bill, which was really REALLY amusing. Just the people you see. Hmph. Although my father told me I have to stop going out and eating crap and then not eating dinner. Bah, I had a vegetarian quesadilla. Good for you! Vegetables! Oh well, I need to stop spending money. Which reminds me, if any of you reading this owe me money, can I have it? I need it. Thanks. Watched Jesus Christ Superstar. WHAT A GOOD MOVIE OH MY GOD. hahaha, oh my god....funny. Okay, so yea, great movie and I suggest you all rent it. btw it's the 2000 version, not the 70's version, the 70's version sucks. Judas is amazing in this one, and Annas kicks ASS!!! Well nothing really more to report about tonight, cuz nothing else happened. Saw David Spencer when I was out with Bill. Yup. That was fun. He had just gotten a hair cut- course I couldn't tell at all, didn't look any different to me! (just a couple inches of the bottom, ya know).

*Awwww...Awwwww he just ate her food! Did you see that? That girl walked away and he ate her food....
*There is a taco hidden on this track...RUN FOR IT...Andrew'd probly get it first ;)


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