Tuesday, May 06, 2003

you know what? I deal with too much drama for my own good. Stupid high school drama. Sometimes i wanna give it all up. And by all i mean ALL. (not my life, no i'm not suicidal don't get worried now!) I just wanna sit on my ass and play the flute or something. Not worry about things, not get angry or frusterated about things, not get hurt by things! Ugh, to just BE for a while, that's an amazing feeling. I've seriously wrapped myself up into so many things I can't find my way out again. It would be great to just go outside, not have to think, just lay. I wish it was warmer outside, i'd do that right now. I just find myself constantly worrying and thinking and reminding myself of things I have to do. Sometimes I feel like I'm inside a box of obligations and I can't get out. That sucks. guuhhhhh. You'd think that I would be doing great because of no school and all, but I haven't stopped! Every day I have a million things to do, school's just not one of them. And look at the time, it's almost 10 and I haven't done what I wanted to do today. Sit down and practice my flute. Or sing. Or both. Lordy lordy lordy, to think my life is simple. I need to do my nails too. And go out and buy my mom a mother's day presant. and my grandmother. See?! There I go again. Seconds go by without a thought and suddenly i'm reminding myself of all the things that need to be done. I need to do my scholarships, arrange the piece for Senior Recognition. Maybe write another piece for Theory because I don't wanna screw Steve over. And even when I'm about to go to bed. I still can't stop thinking. It took me 2 hours to go to bed two days ago because I just couldn't clear my mind of stuff to fall asleep. So I don't know what to do, because I'm one of those people who like to constantly be doing stuff, but yet all I really need to do is sllowwwwww down. But then i get really bored really fast. God, I don't know what i'm going to do with myself. Well, i'm gonna end this, screw the inside jokes for today, although i'm sure there were so many. Oh yea, can't end this without mentioning the Carol Channing skip....chachachachachacha...only a lot funnier then that looks


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