Wednesday, July 02, 2003

Okay, i'm back from Ithaca- a new woman! I'll give you as much detail as I can but there was just SO much that went on. Okay, first, my new friends, in no particular order mind you: Ernest, Nick, Matt, Adam, Andrew, Allen, Erica, Laura, Tyler, Alison, Sarah, Stuart, Emily, Elizabeth.....who else am I forgetting? Jeez I know i'm forgetting people. Notice how a whole shitload of them are guys? Yes, because guys are actually CIVIL and NICE at college! I know it's a crazy concept, but it's true. so I met Ernest the Vibraphone major while waiting in line for the sightsinging exam which I did not (I found out when I got in the room) actually need to take because Musical Theatre majors don't take sightsinging. But oh well, I met Ernest so it was worth the hassle. My mother actually got me to meet Matt, because Matt was sitting all alone in the welcome meeting so my mom told him to come join us. Matt is exploratory, but he likes playing Guitar. I betcha he's gonna be a music major before it's all over with. He reminds me of a Robbie Bloomer/Scott Church mix, for those who know who those people are. After that we ate dinner, I ate with Matt and Ernest and my mom and Ernest's family, and split up into our small groups to get to know more people. I was group E, the name of our group was the "E Spot" (yes, all of you, the dirty connotation is meant) and that's where I met Alison, an acting major. We were the 2 trashy ass women in our skit- a JerrE Springer show about how men can't find the E Spot. I got to use a random accent, so I had some fun. Andrew was in my group, but I don't think I really got to talking to him then. The next day at breakfast is when I really talked to Andrew, he sat with me and these other people who i didn't really know that well. Ernest and Matt ditched me for breakfast, so I made new friends ;). But it turns out I just lost Ernest when I went around the bend of the dining hall- completely understandable. For our math and writing exams I got to talk to Andrew a little bit (He's a musical composition major, and he plays the Viola! The viola! Talk about awesome! Who do you know who plays the viola?!) and Ernest and this guy I had met at breakfast Nick. Nick's a...actually you know I'm not quite sure what Nick is, i think he's a composition but I could be wrong. He had forgotten his name tag, and the name tag's had the Majors on them, so...yea, not my fault. Anways, I kind of forget the actual order in which these went- i know for lunch I ate with Alison and Stuart (acting major as well) and some techies and Emily, majoring in Oboe- and then Stuart, Emily and I went to a computing session thing about getting our new email addresses and such. So btw my email will be starting August 23rd! Make a note. At some point during those 3 days I went to the music building to audition for private flute lessons- where I met Andrew walking the halls listening to he came with me to the registration place, and the practice rooms, although i wouldn't let him listen to me warm up. He SAID he was gonna go play the piano in another room...and when I came out he was gone. I went and auditioned for the private lessons, got them (yayyyyyyyyyyyy) and...umm...actually i think I did that before lunch. Yea. After that, I think we had that academic briefing thing where I met Adam and Allen and Elizabeth and Sarah and I got my schedule because I basically didn't get to choose any electives this they had my schedule ready and done for me. Same with Adam. He's a design major- did I already say that? Anyways, then dinner? I think? Maybe, yea. Ernest, Nick, unfortunately we lost Andrew for a while because there was a misunderstanding...maybe he doesn't know where the fish is ;) but anyways, I invited Adam over with his friends and they sat with us too. My mom got to sit with us, she was having a ball. So I told Andrew I got the private flute lessons and he says "Oh I had no doubt you would I was listening to you and you're really good." I got mad at him cuz i told him not to listen to me, and he confessed that he even watched me for a second or two! Ughhhhh I hate when people hear me play the fluuuuuuuuute. Well dinner was good, then we had the relays in which I was mainly the cell phone girl- I got to wear Andrew's shirt...and Uri's visor...yea, i looked like da shit yo.That night my mother got locked IN her room...that's right, not OUT, IN. So I was late for this party thing they were throwing in the coffehouse. When I got there I saw Adam and hung out with them for a while. Then we walked over to the gorgeous Ithaca fountain....I caught a frog, we looked at baby ducks, then we walked over to the fish, and I spaced out while the group talked about stuff, and I stared at the stars and bats flying by for about 20 minutes. Just started reflecting on life and transitions and college and stuff...didn't really come to any major breakthroughs but it was nice. There's no light pollution on top of the mountain so the stars look gorgeous! At around 12:30 I decided I would go to bed, but as I was walking up to the dorms I ran into Andrew and Emily and this other composition major (who's name i didn't catch) and we walked around for a while and then went and talked about stuff till about 2. Laaaaaate night. And then I got up at 6 in the morning for breakfast and checkout and all that good stuff. I CAN-NOT-WAIT till I go back! All these guys really gave me hope that there are nice, polite, sweet guys out there that don't second guess you and not trust you and make up shit about you....whew. College men- like a dream come true. That doesn't mean I'm gonna ditch all my highschool friends tho- i'll still be true blue to yall- just for you girls tho, hold on to your socks cuz there's something better out there ;). ITHACA HEAR I COME :)


PS- I'm sure I forgot many things- like my roommate- i mean i didn't talk about her at ALL....but i'm so tired....I'll get to that some other time night night


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