Friday, June 27, 2003

You know what the best pickup line is ever? "DAMN! Who whacked you with the sexy stick?!" isn't that just insanely stupid?! I cut the grass this morning. wooooo. And i went online and checked all the stuff about registering for classes and stuff for Ithaca. Hahahaha I'm really glad they're having private sessions to help students make their first schedule cuz i have NO idea what the HELL I'm doing. Oy. Okay, going to the doctors soon....aghhhh.....NEEDLES I'M GOING TO FAINT JEEZUS. Oh hey, GUESS WHAT?! I was looking through my jazz book for stuff to sing at this party I'm singing at for Lizzie Davies' mom and I found "A Nightengale Sang In Berkley Square"!!!! I LOVE THAT SONG SO MUCH. Okay, gotta go now Christina's here



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