Friday, October 17, 2003

hot shit guys, hot shit, i HAVE A TATTOO. I went into school on Thursday so if you guys missed me...sorry...i'll be back in November to see the show! My tattoo is awesome and I love it. It's of the Ohm symbol- a hindu symbol that signifies the beginning and end of everything and also symbolizes peace and enlightenment. So yea, it looks hot. It's on my lower right hip, below the belt line cuz i don't want auditioners to see it. I went clubbing last night too...that was an interesting experience. I'm SICK now dammit, i don't know where i got it from. Phlegm (or however you spell it) and sucks. Anyways back to clubbing, this random ass guy comes up behind me and dances with me for like 2 songs...and then starts gettin a LITTLE too freaky for me so i left. He KEPT looking for me for a really long time. After that I didn't really wanna dance with anyone because EVERYONE was SO sketchy and old. I really don't like the idea of just letting anyone come up and start dancing with you. I mean, i saw girls my age dancing with guys that could have been my father. There was this friend of Nahal's (i don't know exactly how to spell his name but it's something like Sapair) that hung out with us all night, he was so sweet! He got all 4 of us roses :). But yea, overall...clubbing is not my idea of fun. Except when you go with someone that you know you're gonna dance with. Like I danced with Nahal's friend a lot and i didn't mind that at all, i thought it was really fun. ANYWAYs, my tattoo! is awesome!! And it really hurt when i got it but it's not unbearable, and it does depend on the place that you get it done, and how MUCH you get done. Because it hurt a lot more when he had to go and fill in the middle of the tattoo then when he did the outline. So my advice to you? If it's your first tattoo just make sure and get something that's not too big, and put it in a place where you've got some fat because if you don't it'll hurt a lot worse. Other than that, it's AWESOME to get a tattoo! It takes time and effort to take care of it for a while, but honestly guys, it's definitely worth it if you feel like you want something permanent to remind you and to keep you aware. I'm really satisfied with this tattoo and i think it will always remind me if not only of this union of Pam Christina and I, of peace and enlightenment, and my spirituality. Wooo!!! Deep lara, deep! Oh and I saw Alex Ostell and John Rouse while i was at UMBC and it was tight. That's all for tonight, goodnight!



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