Sunday, October 12, 2003

I did the FUNNIEST thing tonight, totally the coolest night ever. I pretended i was drunk and fooled SOOO many people...everyone was very impressed with my acting ability, cept Sobo who was a little pissed off cuz i "played" him. It was really very interesting, and I was very impressed by how nicely my boys handled the situation. I came stumbling up into Sobo's room laughing hysterically holding what they later found out was a ROOTbeer bottle. Anyways, they all took care of me, and it was hysterical to act drunk in front of them. Man, people are really irresponsible when they're drunk! I didn't really like it all that much, but i did like the freedom to say what i felt like saying and having a simple excuse for it all. The funniest part was when i told them i wasn't drunk, cuz they definitely didn't believe me. I had to prove to them, and even then it took some convincing. So i'm over in Xander's room right now, telling him to go to bed. He's pretty tired so i think he's going to fall asleep soon. My parents are up here this weekend, it's good to see them. i'm going to see them in 3 days too because my break is coming up! wooo!!! okay i'm gonna go now, it's late. COMMENT guys COMMENT


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