Saturday, September 27, 2003

boy howdy have i got a story for you!! Last night was so much fun, let me tell you. First Emmie, Travis, Lauren, Ingrid and I decided to go to this "Jazz" place to see a band play. So, we get's a bar, and not good at ALL. I mean the band was absolutely HORRIBLE. So we left there, decided to go to a club called "The Haunt". So we get there, it's Friday night, and it's another band. Nobody's dancing, and it's really mellow, so we leave that too. We call Andrew because they're at this party on Penn. Ave. and we decided that we'd go there for a while. Well they were just leaving because it was a horrible party, so I said i would pick them up. There were 15 of us total tho. Yall know my car. SO, i decided to make 2 trips. The first trip we had 7 people in the car, 3 in front 4 in back, which was hard enough as it was. The SECOND trip however, there were 8 of them...2 being extremely tall. So we stuffed Chuckie in the trunk. No lie. it was hilarious. he said he enjoyed it, and nobody died, so it's all good. I'm so glad a cop didn't catch us, cuz that woulda sucked ass. So we got back to the 7th floor and we hung out, people got really really drunk. Xander, however, was actually very controlled last night. He's sick tho, so he's watchin out for himself. We ended up watching Predator in Jack's room. It was a lot of fun. The movie was okay, Arnold is one of the worst actors i've ever seen. I don't think i really took in most of the movie because people were talking. Oy vey. You know, there was this kid who's spending the weekend with Sobo ( of the guys on the 7th floor) and he made me realize something. He was laying on tom's bed watching Predator with me and Jack and Xander and Emmie and he says "you guys do this every weekend?" And we said "yup." and he says "man i'm SO jealous." And I realized JUST how much fun i really do have with these people. Yes, it is very taxing at times to try to keep people from lets say...drinking bleach, downing Nyquil or eating deodorant (thanks CHUCKIE)....but i really do have so much fun with this crew. Like Alex, he calls me Larakeet. I think that's hilarious. I really love the guys on the 7th floor, and i am really lucky to have found a whole floor that has this much fun all the time. I must admit however, they do get pretty stupid when they're drunk. But i think it's actually rather good for me because i'm starting to get used to the fact that people can drink and not be alcoholic. Like Andrew for instance. He drinks, but he knows exactly when to stop and he doesn't feel the need to continue past that point. So I am starting to have a little more faith in people, although not TOO much, cuz i have seen some pretty hard shit here too. Last night as Xander and I were going on the elevator to go get the pizza, the elevator opens and this girl is crying hardcore saying "my friend is in the emergency room" and closed the door on us. If that ever happened to one of my 7th floor boys i don't know what i'd do. that's why i stick by them, that's why i make sure they don't hurt themselves. But i do it out of love, therefore i don't mind it all that much. It's much better that i do it and them not get hurt, so i feel like i'm doing them a favor. And they do appreciate it. Ahhh college, that's some crazy shit.



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