Tuesday, December 02, 2003

so i just wanted to say that my Thanksgiving break was amazing and I had so much fun. Props to Christina who ran a 5 mile "Turkey Burn-off" run on Saturday, in 51 minutes! I took it upon myself to start running as well, so I ran 4.5 miles on Sunday and 2.5 miles yesterday. My legs hurt like shit. Now Jenny says I have to recooperate before going back, so I can't go tonight. Oh well, i didn't eat much anyway, I won't get THAT fat ;). Man, I scared myself to death today thinking that I had to rewrite this 10 page paper, when I found out that I only had to look over it for my personal benefit. Thank GOD! I'm so relieved, i thought the whole thing was due tomorrow. So I did all my work earlier today because of this paper, and now I don't have ANY work! I'm just gonna get a head start on things due later in the week/next week. Everyone in Ithaca come see Pericles this weekend, it previews tonight and opens thursday. If anyone wants to go see it with me i have an extra ticket! I'm counting down the days until Winter Break, i'm SO excited to be going home for a month. Christina & Pam here I COME!!!! oh guys, sad news- my grandmother fell down the stairs yesterday and broke both her ankles :(. She's gonna be okay but it's really sad and she had to have surgery on one of them today. So pray for her or something so she gets better fast. Well, I gotta run because the Opera Workshop is tonight at 8:15 and i have to go cheer on the Musical Theatre majors! I'll write more later I guess



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