Friday, February 20, 2004

I GOT MY PACKAGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! Everything is new again, everything under the sun. (that's Barenaked Ladies, for all you UNCULTURED people out there). Anyways, yes, I watched Benny and Joon and Don Juan DeMarco today and do I love Johnny Depp? WAY MORE THAN EVER. One of these days i'm going to marry a Johnny Depp impersonator and i'm going to be completely happy. Hey so for all of you that know my ongoing struggle with Jenny and Ronny and them being in their own little world all the time, i fought tooth and nail today and i'm very proud of myself. For dinner we went out to Applebees and at one point Jenny was kidding and said she didn't like Ronny's sister. All of a sudden he got extremely quiet and decided not to talk for the rest of the time. I got really forward and decided to do something about it because he was totally ruining a nice dinner. So I said "Ronny, you really need to stop looking like a murderer...are you going to talk?" He didn't say anything and just stared at his food. So I said to Jenny "Well if he's not going to talk then we can talk to eachother." Which completely undermined his whole plan of making Jenny sorry for what she said by pouting like a fucking four year old. So after about 5 minutes of pleasant conversation between Jenny and I, Ronny softly said "So next time I ask that question you'll know how to answer it." I'M SORRY, but i totally can NOT deal with that fucking insolence. Jesus fucking christ. So I stopped dead in my tracks, turned to him and said "are you trying to PUNISH her? No really, I want to know, because that sounds like what you're doing. She can say what she wants to, but it's not up to you to make a nice dinner extremely awkward for all three of us because you weren't happy with her answer. And plus, she was KIDDING." To which he said something like "it was her fault". And i fucking went off. I said (again, not word for word, but i'll recall as best i can) "This table is as much mine as it is yours and as it is Jenny's. You have no right to make it so horrible for all of us just because you're trying to teach Jenny a lesson." He said "It's the way we work." I said "Well please don't work that way around me. I thought that you would have enough respect for ME to not bring your personal issues into a public situation like this where you can make me feel completely uncomfortable by having to listen to you two. Please, jesus." Or something like that. And then he got really silent again, and i continued to not give a shit about what he was trying to prove. I think i really threw him off. ;). After a while of his obvious sulking I excused myself to go sit in the bathroom for a while, waiting for them to have a nice long conversation about what just happened and how they were going to deal with me. Then i came back, and magically everything was okay again. Yay, everybody wins. Except for the fact that he's still fucking here. And he's spending the night. I'm getting really sick of this. like REEEEALLY sick. Because I don't feel like i can do what i normally do, i don't know. I don't like him in the room anymore, because they always fucking argue every second they possibly can. It's wearing on my nerves. I don't mean to sound like a mean little bitch, but i've seriously dealt with this for wayyyyy too long. This is my room too. So yea, Jekyll audition tomorrow! I love it! Okay, this is he just (as i'm typing now) took off his pants (he still has boxers thank the lord) climbed into bed and rolled on Jenny. They don't DO anything mind you, but honestly isn't that enough?! I mean jesus fucking CHRIST I'm SICK OF THIS!!!!! But i don't know what to do about it, ugh i'm going to forget about it. I've just dealt with it for too long. Sometimes I want a weekend to myself when he's not here. I DON'T HAVE A BOYFRIEND SO I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO LIVE WITH ONE. And especially not have to hear them make out. I've finally come to terms with the fact that i'm NOT okay with this. well, i'm going to stop now because no amount of writing is going to make me feel better about this situation. JESUS, this is why i want a SINGLE next year.



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