Saturday, February 28, 2004

Name: Lara
Nickname: Umm.. Soupie. Supan. Soup. That's about it
Birthday: September 20th 1985
Birthplace: Washington DC


Current mood: full, and kind of pissy
Current music: Dulcinea from Man of La Mancha, because I desperately want to be in a musical again
Current taste: This weird Vegan thing i stole from the dining hall. They do mean taste like food taste right?
Current hair: dyed red- i really like it this way!
Current clothes: sweats and a T-shirt. Hey, it's Saturday morning!
Current annoyance: well...some people know, and other people shouldn't, that's all i'll say.
Current smell: again, that weird Vegan thing...
Current thing I ought to be doin: hah- HOMEWORK.
Current windows open: 3 AIM convos and my music that i just put on after that music question
Current desktop picture: JOHNNY DEPP BABY!
Current favorite band: Ben Folds. Totally all the way. And Barenaked Ladies
Current book: that I'm reading? "Duel" by Richard Matheson- i just finished "Girls of Summer" 2 days ago
Current cd in stereo: "Surprise Package"- a compliation made for me by my father
Current crush: hehehe, word spreads too quickly here.
Current favorite celeb: HAHAHAHAHA....hmmmmm let's think HARD about this one
Current hate: carbohydrates, metabolisms, saturated fat, willpower (or lack thereof)

=Do I=

Smoke?: nope
Do drugs?: nope
Have sex?: nope
Give oral sex?: nope
Receive oral sex?: nope
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: not currently
Remember your first love?: Dunno, hasn't happened yet
Still love him/her?: see above
Read the newspaper?: nope, have no TIME for silly things like...polotics (grrrrr)
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: plenty
Believe in miracles?: rely on them is more like it
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: sure, why not
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: not in this current stage of my life...before i was, i probly will be again soon
Consider love a mistake?: i consider THINKING you're in love at this age a mistake
Like the taste of alcohol?: wouldn't know :)
Have a favorite candy?: SWEDISH FISH!!!! (only the REAL kind, cuz believe it or not there are fake swedish fish out there)
Believe in astrology?: definitely, more or less...hahaha
Believe in magic?: ya
Believe in God?: a higher power, yea
Have any pets: Luna and Satan...i mean, pogo
Go to or plan to go to college: Ithaca all the way baby
Have any piercings?: yea, ears, cartiledge
Have any tattoos?: YUP :) yayyyyyyyy
Hate yourself: why?!
Have an obsession?: yes, and his name is Johnny Depp.
Have a secret crush?: yes
Do they know yet?: i'm guessing not
Have a best friend?: um YEA
Wish on stars?: when convenient ;)
Care about looks?: more than i should

=Love life=

First crush: Andrew somebody in first grade.
First kiss: Xander stupid Lott
Single or attached?: attached to Johnny Depp, othewise, single
Ever been in love?: hell no
Do you believe in love at first sight?: I'm guessing it happens on occasion
Do you believe in "the one?": i'm not sure...i believe it "one way more than all the others"...maybe that's a good way to put it
Describe your ideal significant other: Long hair, looks like a an actor...preferably lives in France with a longtime girlfriend and two children who I'm closer to in age than him.....

=Juicy stuff=

Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: not yet
Have you ever been intoxicated?: naw
Favorite place to be kissed?: would i know?!
Have you ever been caught "doing something?": have i ever had the chance?
Are you a tease?: can be
Shy to make the first move?: totally the opposite- i need to put myself on the back burner sometimes...haha

=Word association=

Rubber: well I am in college...
Rock: music
Green: broccoli-....?!
Wet: dog
Cry: my friends do too much of it
Peanut: the cartoon...that i really never read and didn't like
Hay: spelled incorrectly. it's HEY people, HEY
Steamy: showers...the only warm place in Ithaca
Fast: me, haha. I wish man
Freaky: a phrase that isn't used enough in today's society :)
Rain: i LOVE the stuff
Bite: me
fuck: you
Blow: me haha these are fun....


Hair: dyed red (we already had that question right?)
Eyes: blueeeeeeeee
Height: apparently i've grown, so maybe 5'8'' now?


Bought: hmm...oh, a frosty at Wendy's... mmmmmmmm
Ate & Drank: VEGAN THING
Read: Girls of Summer
Watched on tv: Umm, i think it was the very first episode of American Idol. Yea, that was a while ago. I'm watching Oscars tomorrow!!!!

--EITHER / OR:--

club or houseparty: how bout my room? By myself? With a movie? That sounds better
beer or cider: cider...
drinks or shots: coke...and iced tea
cats or dogs: Dogs, even though i own cats. Dogs love unconditionally and i envy them for that
single or taken: single
pen or pencil: pens. I'm OBSESSED with pens.
gloves or mittens: gloves, mittens make me angry
food or candy: depends on the mood definitely. It's more like "What are you craving right now, carbs or sugar? or BOTH?"
cassette or cd: hahaha what kind of question is that?!
coke or pepsi: Diet vanilla pepsi
this or that: that


kill: Bill would know the answer to this one...(and not YOU, haha, just think for a second)
get really wasted with: Johnny Depp. and ONLY Johnny Depp
look like: I'm skinny?
be like: me
avoid: i'm not at liberty to answer this question...(eyes and ears EVERYWHERE) :)

talked to: on the phone, my dad. In person, Lauren Smith, my lovely next door neighbour.
hugged: wow, V&M class i think
instant messaged: whoever the latest one is who needs my car
kissed: :(. Xander. stupid Xander


eat: mmmm DINING HALL
cry: where no one else is- actually i haven't cried in a long time now, be proud of me!
wish you were: NORTH CAROLINA. RIGHT FUCKING NOW I NEED TO GO. Either there or Ireland

Dated one of your best friends? nope
Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? haha, i thought i did, and it made me cry....but no
Drank alcohol? nope
Done drugs? nope
Broken the law? plenty
Run away from home? HAHAHAHA, the the front lawn when i was 5. I came back in 15 minutes and gave my parents a good talk for not coming to look for me.
Broken a bone? my pinky toe. We won't go into it
Played Truth Or Dare? actually i never really did because i was one of those people who would never do the dares and people would get mad at me and say i couldn't play.
Kissed someone you didn't know? I knew Xander for 2 weeks, does that count? I DON'T LIKE ALL THESE KISSING QUESTIONS DAMMIT
Been in a fight? yea
Come close to dying? no

--WHAT IS:--
The most embarrassing CD in your collection?: oh jeez, i think it's the first one i ever got "Reggae Around The World." Coming in a close second is Ricky Martin and No Mercy. (oh my teenager years...)
Your bedroom like?: it's like a garbage dump, that's what
Your favorite thing for breakfast? those Cinnamon buns at the dining hall! Jesus, Im convinced god himself made those things
Your favorite restaurant?:'s Thai Food. Mmmmmmmmm


What's on your bedside table?: a zen fountain and a beach chair picture frame with Pocohantas barbie sitting in it
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?: well, it's not in the refridgerator- usually chips or cheezits or pretzels.... MM CARBS
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie? jeez... guaranteed huh? In America. Yea, definitely guaranteed come to think of it
If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?: is lipsuction plastic surgery?
What is your biggest fear?: loss of control
What feature are you most insecure about?: my weight, definitely
Do you ever have to beg?: beg for what?! i don't beg....
Are you a pyromaniac?: i like watching things on fire, but not setting them
Do you have too many love interests?: 1 isn't too much...but seeing how he's a celebrity 22 years older than me, maybe 1 IS too much
Crushes? only 1
Do you know anyone famous?: yea, my cousin is an italian supermodel and she's only 16. Crazy world
Describe your bed: my NEW one at home is SO AWESOME! It's a full size (finally) and is just the right firmness cuz it's new
Spontaneous or plain?: spontaneous all the way
Do you know how to play poker?: yup
What do you carry with you at all times?: my gargantuan (sp?) set of keys
How do you drive?: Creatively
What do you miss most about being little?: not caring what i weighed
Are you happy with your given name?: well it means Famous, so who wouldn't?!
How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year?: probly anything over 5 thousand. Actually, if they weren't going to offer me anything over a couple hundred, i'd still take it. I don't need the internet at all
What was the last song you were listening to?: "Testing, 1,2,3" by Barenaked Ladies, it's playing right now
Do you talk a lot?: more than is good for me, yes
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?: yup
Do you think you're cute?: depends on my hormonal balance at the second, haha
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?: sometimes. And sometimes i can be a downright bitch.
Do you spend more time with your girlfriend, boyfriend, or your friends?: FRIENDS. And will for the rest of my life


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