Wednesday, August 25, 2004

so today was the worst day ever... I started by getting up at 8:55, doing slim in six for an hour, took a shower, got all pretty, went to my first class at noon. It was cool, i was a little shy but it worked out okay in the end- met a girl named Timmy who transfered from another school, she was a musical theatre major before! Funny but true. After that i met Travis, we practiced a little bit, i went up to the reed room and hung out with Emily until my 2 o'clock audition for Vocal Jazz. My audition went well, just sang, sightread, improvised and left. That was when i realized my keys were missing. I went around to look for them, and at around 2:40 i passed by Steve Brown's office and decided to try again and see if he was there to ask him about taking Jazz History. I got the override form, got him to sign it, then he says "Aren't you supposed to be in class?" I say "nope." He says "don't you have calligraphy mondays and fridays with Cookie?" I say "yup." He says "Don't you know today is a monday schedule?" I said "nope." He says, well you've got class right now, go." So I run my ass to class, get there exactly on time, all the while thinking about the 10 o'clock class i have on mondays and not on wednesdays. That means that i missed my first class this morning. YEA, good start. LUCKILY, Cookie is the improv teacher as well as the calligraphy teacher, so i just had to explain my mistake to her after class and she gave me the syllabus and gave me a crash course on 7ths and the modes. At about this time i realize that i have my other audition at 4:20. And it was 4:15. About that time Travis calls me saying "where the hell are you" i run over to my audition. I go audition, it was a good audition i think, we'll see results on friday. So after that i still don't have my keys. I'm looking (with Travis, because he is the best thing EVER IN MY LIFE) for my keys for probly about an hour or so, when Mitch calls Travis to play frisbee. I give up looking for my keys and decide to go with them to go play frisbee. Mitchell, when he sees me, says "Lara, did you know your keys and crap are downstairs in a practice room? They've been there all day." I thought he was fucking with me. I told him if he was kidding that i was going to kill him, but sure enough they were there in this practice room i had forgotten i went in. I was in it for all of about 30 seconds, but i managed to leave my keys there. When i got back, i noticed i had ALSO left my music on the window sill next to my 4:20 audition, which had been an hour before. So I was a wreck. I think i found everything i had distributed around the music building, and i went to dinner. Yummy dinner. Then i went swimming, but the lifeguard didn't show up for a half hour, then there were like 20 people in the pool and they kept getting in my way so i couldn't even swim laps without constantly running into people. After about 20 minutes I gave up and came home. So that's where i am right now. Whew. And plus for some reason i just feel like shit. I don't know what it is. Fuck goddammit shit poop. There, i feel better now. Well, as travis put it, can't get any worse than this so i'm sure tomorrow's gonna be a better day. Yay for school right?!



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