Friday, October 08, 2004

so I hate boys. All boys. Especially boys who think that physicality doesn't have any emotional repercussions. Because that's just dumb. Boys are JUST DUMB AND I WISH I WASN'T ATTRACTED TO BOYS- i'd be a lot happier if i could just like girls. Well actually, girls can be pretty horrible too as I've found out. Maybe it's just college that's so evil. Stupid college. Stupid college breaking lara's nice ideals about everything, and stupid college in which people LIE TO YOU because I can't STAND when people lie to me, it's the worst insult someone could give me. Good job.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

jesus, girl, what's happenin' ta ya? man you need comments more than i do. at least i get comments from the spammers trying to advertise viagra on my blog. you ain't got nothin'!

here's a comment for when you're all down and out. hope everything's goin' aaaiii'iiiighhhtt fer ya up in ithaca. probably snowing already, ya damn canadians.


October 9, 2004 at 10:35 AM  

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