Sunday, April 27, 2003

it's over! Hello Dolly is no more. Goodbye Dolly. It's a sad thing. I had the honor of starting the energy circle on closing night, and it was such an amazing and flawless show. I started crying at the end (yea, i know, sappy shit but what can I do). I really didn't want it to be over! I'm leaving all of my friends, and I'm not going to be able to see them whenever I want to. It's a weird feeling thinking about the fact that I won't see people like Hankie and Seth and Dena and Ruchita every day. Right now I'm taking a break from the CRAZY amount of Stat homework that I have allowed to pile up on me. It's stupid. I hate work, I shouldn't have to do it anymore I'm in college! ugh. Cast Party was okay, it was kind of boring, but the cast almost made me start crying again when I walked in and they all started singing Hello Dolly! It was the sweetest thing ever. Last night was possibly the best night of my life. The performance was just so amazing, and everyone was on and kicking ass. Boedecker was amazing! (And thanks SOOO much for the roses, they are SO gorgeous! They're sitting on the game cabinet in my living room and they're so pretty) Boedecker, we made my dad cry at the end! He said we were "so in love" at the end of the show he couldn't take it. hehehehe, funny stuff. I couldn't have done it without you, and without the rest of the cast. Let me rephrase that, WE couldn't have done it without everyone involved! The chorus had amazing energy that never stopped, the fab four were always making people laugh, Martin and Mara were at least 50 times better than the guys at Einstein! (sorry Einsteinians) And I wouldn't have been any good if I hadn't had a great partner to play off of. It couldn't have been a better match. As for Ms. Krebs, I really don't think the sophomores and freshman really understand what a privelege it is to have her directing our shows. She does wonders to these productions, without ever once throwing chairs or doing anything of the sort. Mr. Becker was a great guy yea, but Ms. Krebs has a touch that makes everything in drama magical. My love of drama was cultivated in this here school and I'll never forget it or the people who have touched me and made my experience all the more enjoyable. I'm going to miss everyone SO much next year it makes me horribly sad to even think of it, so I think I'm going to put the thought off till about 2 days before graduation. High school may not be the best time of our lives, but things go on in that time that will never be forgotten, and Hello Dolly is something that I will never forget. I had been dreaming of my senior show at Richard Montgomery ever since I started drama in 7th grade at Julius West, and I can't believe it's over. It's come and gone. And thank you SO much everyone for making it the best show that RM has ever seen! (Not to mention the biggest audience RM has ever seen too ;) ) I don't think I fully realize that it's over. I'm going to have a hard time at set strike tomorrow- I've grown very attatched to my costumes. Oh, and speaking of costumes, not only am I grateful to the cast for making this show wonderful, but the crews as well! Makeup for making me look presentable, costumes for making me look skinny even tho I was supposed to be old, props for giving me something BESIDES the obituaries for the last 2 shows! Running crew and Stage Managers for putting up with me....Sound for not calling me a diva bitch when I wasn't ready to come out on stage to do mic check. (No, I SWEAR i love you guys!) And the board, I LOVE YOU BOARD! For Hidy hidy hidy ho's, that were always less than amazing...hehehehe...RM has just been such a great part of my life, and I hope that the rest of my life is as good as this school has been to me. I'll never forget you all, as long as you don't forget me! Honestly that's my biggest fear. I've had such a good time at this school that I'm going to remember it forever, but I'm scared that people are going to forget me. So don't forget me and everything will be good! I've got to go eat dinner now, my dad's specialty- "Sloppy Bobs"...time for inside jokes!

*"Laugh, JUST LAUGH"
*Adrianna- "eye contact, NO contact quick!"
*The kitty and french artist go to Safeway...


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