Friday, May 09, 2003

Todayyyyyyyyy todayyyyyyy, i did nothing todayyyyyyy. Well, kinda did nothing. I went to a voice lesson. I came into school at lunch...ehem bill...and after school...sorry mike! Mara came over for a while. This morning I went to the gym! I did real good today at the gym, more than I usually do and everything. Tomorrow I'm going to cut the grass and go to an audition for Hello Dolly at Mongtomery College. I really doubt that I'll get anything, but it's worth a shot all the same. After that Christina and I are gonna chill and then go pick my mom up from the airport. She's gonna be home again! Thank god, my datebook! Practiced flute more, went over some of my songs. I've consistantly hit a high E (ABOVE high C folks!) for 3 days in a row! I'm excited. I saw Dena today cuz her voice lesson was right after mine. I'm glad that I noticed I HAD a voice lesson cuz i was about to go out to see X2 with Mike squared, but oh well. I still wanna see it tho. I watched 8 Women tonight. Also, a VERY good movie. Although it had a very sad ending, which I was not expecting. Ugh, Pogo's sitting on the keyboard trying to lick me. Either that or he's trying to eat me- I wouldn't be surprised either way. Mother's day on sunday! Spent 30 of my last 50 dollars on my mom. Let's hope I get some more money soon!!!!!! Pogo's now trying to bite me. What a crazy ass cat. Stupid stupid cat. So you know what I love? When people seem SOOOO happy to see you at school when you haven't been there for a week. Why, even Mr. Perry was happy to see me! Somewhat. And then he tried to talk me into coming back to school. I think I will sometime next week. Not Monday tho, blech. I've got to rememeber to do my Stat project- teach my Dad inferential statistics. Gooood stuff. I saw Emily and Mara and Maddie (well I see Maddie every day almost, just at her locker at the end of school) and Laura Palau! It's her birthday on Monday everyone so get her stuff!!! Maybe I will come in monday. Hmmm, decisions decisions. I don't think I have any inside jokes for today, only inside jokes with myself, and those are nooooo fun. Hmph. Tomorrow will be more fun. Going out shopping with my mom soon for necklace and shoes!!!! yayyyyyyyyyyyyy



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