Friday, July 11, 2003

Okay alright, sorry Bill, didn't mean to badmouth you. I only speak the truth on here. That shit about me having no life on your blog was uncalled for too ya know, so I don't see where anyone has any room to talk. Ugh, this blog is NOT a channel that I use to offend anyone, to talk bad about anyone...etc. The fact is, I speak what's on my mind when I write on my blog. That's all, that's it. No big secret here. And may I also point out Bill that when I had good stuff to say about you, I said it too. Notice how through all of this I still wanna be your friend, you know why? Cuz I think you're cool! I think you're fun to hang out with! I enjoy spending time with you! Does that sound like badmouthing to you? Just to clarify, the reason I said "Thank you Bill" was because you made that comment about me posting on my blog every day. K? Just to set the record straight. I felt like a fucking loser. But that's not why I feel fat and unattractive. I feel fat and unattractive because I didn't go to the gym today and I ate more than I wanted to because Christina was over. That's why I feel like shit today. And also I'm really tired. And also I've got too many things to do, like cut the grass, I still haven't gotten to the bank, I still haven't finished all my thank you notes, I'm rehearsing with Barry for the gig tomorrow, I'm seeing Mara because it's her only day in Rockville until the middle of August, then I actually HAVE the gig from 6-12! So you see, lots of stress in one day, not excersizing, having to look good in a tight black dress while I entertain. Can you see why I might be a little off today? So sorry if I offended you, sorry if I made you look bad, but honestly I just wrote what I felt, and I should be allowed to do that. If you don't like what you read, then don't read it. You can tell me if it bothers you, but if you do something that I don't like, and I feel like sharing, I'm gonna. Because this is very theraputic for me, to sit down and write out my feelings. I don't care if people read this, it's nice if they do. But when it comes down to it, it's just me sitting down at the computer laying out how I feel about issues that are happening right now. I'm recording my life. Because I think it's fun. If you're not okay with that....sorry.

On a seperate note, I was a complete bum today and didn't get any shit done. To make matters worse, I ate a lot. And now I feel fatter than ever. And i didn't go to the gym. After Christina left I practiced flute, talked to Carly for about 2 hours on the phone (I love that girl) looked at pictures from my recital, practiced flute some more, went to counseling, and came home and watched TV. Oh yea, and I wrote some thank you notes. Mr. Frezzo's and Ms. Krebs' were really hard to write. I hope they like them. Hey guys, you wanna see my cousin? Go here and look for the blond with gorgeous blue eyes. That's her. Guess how old she is? Leave a comment as to your guess...I'm really interested to see what people think. Okay, that's all for today, i think I've stirred enough up. Christina might be coming over later, but I'm just SO tired I don't know how I'm gonna deal. Oh, and my cousins from Italy just randomly showed up at our house during dinner tonight. They're still here. I'm in here hiding from them because I don't know why but I'm REALLY antisocial right now. This will pass, never fear. Oh yea, i'm seeing Mehrnoush tonight. That'll be fun :) And hey, for all of you who care, Bill is a nice guy! look at me not badmouthing him! (good?)



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