Thursday, October 23, 2003

well hidy ho pardners, it's me's snowing tonight, did you know that? It's AWESOMe. I'm in the weirdest of moods. I had a really good day today, it was nice. Actually, overall I'm having much better days than i did about a week ago. Some of you know why, some of you don't....if you don't know and want to, ask me about it and i'll tell you, i just don't wanna write it on here. So guys, i found out i can't go to Boston over Halloween weekend like Emily and I were planning on doing. It kinda sucks but she promised me we're going up soon, like the weekend before thanksgiving break i think. To visit whom you ask? Why Sander, of course. Sander, not Xander? Yes, didn't you get the memo? Sander's the new kid on the block nowadays. Anyways, i'm gonna go now because i really am in a weird mood. A good weird mood, don't get me wrong. It's one of those moods where you talk to random people that you'll never meet again. It'd be kinda funny if i actually did meet one of these people again. I don't know, i just get in this mood sometimes. Woo. WOOOO



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