Sunday, December 14, 2003

and it's time for another survey thing because i LOVE SURVEYS and i'm PROCRASTINATING because i have an EXAM in ballet tomorrow. Heeeere goes!

1. WHAT TIME DO YOU GET UP? 11:58. Exactly.

WOULD IT BE? Johnny Depp. Then I would try to convince him to marry me. Actually, maybe Colin Firth. Is he married? ;)

3. GOLD OR SILVER? silver- it's less tacky.

4. WHAT WAS THE LAST FILM YOU SAW AT THE CINEMA? at the CINEMA. We're getting fancy here. Umm...I think it was Love, Actually. It was that week where I saw 4 movies in the theatres so i can't really remember.

5. FAVORITE TV SHOW? South Park. Followed by Sunday line up- Simpsons, Family Guy (cuz it used to be on the Sunday lineup) Malcolm in the Middle, Futurama...cartoons. Yea, i'm a freak.

6. WHAT DO YOU HAVE FOR BREAKFAST? Odwalla fruit smoothie thing. SO GOOD. and all it is is fruit!!!

7. WHO WOULD YOU HATE TO BE STUCK IN A ROOM WITH? heh. hehehe. uhh...for the folks back home- MRS. CHAPMAN...for the folks at Ithaca- MARY SATIN ARLIN. Thank you very much.

8. CAN YOU TOUCH YOUR NOSE WITH YOUR TONGUE? I tried. I don't think i can. Not well anyway.

9. WHAT INSPIRES YOU? people who love what they're doing and are passionate about it. Like the theatre majors here...when they're not drunk that is.


11. BEACH, CITY, OR COUNTRY? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA, if you are my friend at ALL you should know the answer to this question. Where do I want to be about 24/7/365?!!

12. FAVORITE ICE CREAM? Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. I'm a sucker for cookie dough man. mmmmmm

13. BUTTER, PLAIN, OR SALTED POPCORN? salted, no butter, unless it's safflower oil, then I like it.

14. FAVORITE COLOR? cerulean. And i commend you if you know what that color is.

15. FAVORITE CAR? Disco Diva baby. Pontiac Grand wait, VW BUG CONVERTABLE. (Sorry baby)

16. FAVORITE SANDWICH FILLING? what's a sandwich "filling"?! Is it like...turkey? And Muenster Cheese? With mayonaisse lettuce and tomato? Because if it was, then that would be it.

17. WHAT CHARACTERISTIC DO YOU DESPISE? pride definitely, i agree with you Katie. And narrow-mindedness. Is that a word?

18. FAVORITE FLOWER? Do I remember the name....dammit....i think it's a Lily.

19. YOU HAD A BIG WIN IN THE LOTTERY, HOW LONG WOULD YOU WAIT TO TELL PEOPLE? I would totally go out and buy people huge gifts, then surprise them all. THAT'S SO EXCITING I WANT IT TO HAPPEN!

20. FIZZY OR STILL WATER AS A DRINK? "fizzy" water? Who the hell wrote this survey?!mmm...."STILL" water sounds pleasant.

21. WHAT COLOR IS YOUR BATHROOM? bathroom at school? Like...grey, i think. Bathroom at home? Wallpaper. Cooool wallpaper.

22. HOW MANY KEYS ON YOUR KEY RING? haaaaahahaha. Let's count. hold on....12, including the one for the car that my mom totalled about 3 years ago. uh huh, i'm totally serious.

23. WHERE WOULD YOU RETIRE TO? DUCK NORTH CAROLINA. And I would live the rest of my life in a serene bliss staring out at the ocean until I die. HOW BEAUTIFUL CAN IT GET.

24. CAN YOU JUGGLE? hahaha, if i use my face as a bouncing board...

25. FAVORITE DAY OF THE WEEK? Saturday. Because the weekend is in full swing, but it's not almost over. WOO!

26. RED OR WHITE WINE? ....i'd have to say....i've never tried either one. So, white.

27. TATTOOS? : |) I HAVE ONE!!!!!! The Ohm symbol on my lower right hip. Hotttt shit Christina & Pam woop woop

28. WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY? eeeeeeee Christina and my parents came up to see me. I hung out on the 7th floor and at 1:05 we stood in the hallway in a big football huddle and sang happy birthday. It was really awesome, except for the fact that most of the people got drunk even tho i asked them many times not to. Wow, go 7th floor....

29. DO YOU CARRY A DONOR CARD? What's a donor card? is that like the thing on your liscence that says i'll donate my organs? yea, i do then...

TO YOU. Well, Katie didn't really send it to me...but...i love her anyways. She's gorgeous and talented and really awesome...she cares about her friends and she sticks up for me. I love her so much and it's going to be so awesome to spend 4 years with her! Enough? ;)

31. WHO DO YOU LEAST EXPECT TO SEND THIS BACK TO YOU? i hope people fill this out...

32. PERSON YOU EXPECT TO SEND THIS BACK FIRST? please don't SEND me anything...just put it on your blog. Or, if you don't have a blog...then yea, send it to me i guess.

33. IF YOU WERE AN ANIMAL WHAT WOULD YOU BE? A dolphin. mmmmm water.

34. NAME ONE THING THAT PEOPLE MAY NOT KNOW ABOUT YOU. I'm really extremely shy when it comes to the opposite sex. I seem really outgoing when i talk to girls and guys that i just like as friends...but you would NEVER know if i liked you. NEVER. I'm just not good at it.

35. SAY ANYTHING. I really love hanging out with Teeny and Katie. Sometimes i don't know if they really enjoy hanging out with me too but I just wanted to say that i really think they are awesome and i couldn't have better friends here. And i'm so happy you guys hang out with me too. Cuz it rocks. :) And that's all



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