Saturday, December 06, 2003

it's snowing here! correction, it's been snowing since last night here and we have about a foot right now. Outside it is 20 degrees, and still snowing. It will be snowing until tomorrow. I love it so much! snow snow snow! But it makes it SO hard to concentrate. I seriously have done close to no work :(. But i'm doing it, slowly and surely. I'll be getting some pictures up of the snow shortly. I have a christmas tree! I'm making ornaments for it, it's so much fun. The tree is fake of course, and about 3 feet tall, but it's adorable and i love my little tree. i'm so excited for christmas now and going home to rockville! I miss all you guys! Okay i gotta go do work, there's gonna be a big drama dept. snow ball fight tonight and i want in...



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