okay, thank yous are in order. *warning, this will probly end up sappier than I meant it to be*
First of all, I just need to thank Dan the man cuz he REALLY was the man as director of Sherry Party. It's so easy to get angry and divaish with all that power but you were amazingly calm, you just didn't take shit. You really kept the fact that this was FUN and it was for the seniors in our minds the entire time, and it really made me want to come to rehearsal. I respect you SO much. Teeny, you were great too, just want to say that I love you. Becca and Tori too, although i don't think they even know me. You guys were great.
Now for the seniors.
I didn't really feel like I fit in here, and John Hager you were the reason i didn't cry myself to sleep every night. Just to see where you came from as a freshman and how well you've done here gives me so much hope and i definitely need that right now. You were always open to talk to me about things, and you kept tabs on me to make sure I wasn't losing my mind. You're one of the only people here that I felt really cared about how I was doing that, and it touched me greatly. You're going to be amazing, and I'll give it a month or two before you're out there on broadway with the talent you've got ;). I'll never forget you, that's for sure. Diana Lora also made me feel good about being at this school. Although I didn't get to hang out with you as much as I did other people, every time I talked to you you talked to me as an equal. Even when I was on costume crew for Drood, you talked to me like I was part of the cast, not someone who was there to take orders from you. I really appreciate that. Ben Shnickle! Did I spell it right? I think so...you were so great in V&M! I'm going to miss you so much! The energy you always had was wonderful and just what our class needed to keep moving...and that's saying a lot ;). You had a definite feel for the class and you had great stuff to do on just the right days. I'll never forget dancing around to music with the lights off, it really made me forget myself and just have fun. I've never done that before. Lastly, my big sister!! Janelle, we didn't get to hang out as much as I wanted to, but you were still a wonderful big sister. I still have my pail and bucket you got me at the beginning of the year :). I really appreciate everything that you did for me, and thank you so much for Freshmen Wednesdays, even though I only went to a couple of them. I'm going to miss you so much next year.
And to the class of '07
I thought, honestly, that I wasn't going to miss you over the summer. I was ready to depart without a word because I didn't think you guys liked me. Which i still feel to a certain extent, but we really came together at Sherry Party. I'm a person who does well with one on one things, or at the most a couple people, and i think that's why i didn't get to know you guys very well. I don't like big groups of people, so I didn't go to big things. I realized that even though i didn't do that, you guys didn't give up on me. I can't tell you how much I appreciate that. CHRIS I AM GOING TO MISS YOU SO MUCH NEXT YEAR AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. You helped me so much! Every time I needed a place to go or someone to talk to, it was you. I remember almost every piece of advice you've given me, because you've got some good shit to share. :) Any time you need a reminder of Ithaca, let me know I'll definitely come down to NC where it's WARM AT SOME POINT IN THE YEAR. Katie, thanks for everything- although we weren't as close this semester i still really love talking to you. Just remember I'm always there if you need me. Shauna, i love you, that's all I can say. You're never that pissed off at anything, and you've always got something up your sleeve to brighten up someone else's day. You're amazing. Laura Trexler, I'm going to miss you this summer. Rep class was an experience to say the least, and I'm sorry I'm leaving you. You'll do wonderfully there, and definitely say hi to Danny and Alison for me EVERY time you go to class. Dancing with you and Elise in Matt's room that night was really a lot of fun. It really made my day. MATT, I LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. I love talking to you, bitching with you ;) , just chilling with you in general. You're a great person, always remember that. To anyone I didn't mention, don't think I don't love you too. I just don't have much more time, cuz i have to go to bed. I could honestly say good things about every single one of the 30 people in our class. I feel like although i don't know some people as much as others, we have really become a tight knit class. I've heard other classes say that about our class too, and i definitely agree with them. Speaking to the whole class, but especially the musical theatre majors, i think we've developed sort of a dysfunctional family situation, where we each fill a space in the family that needs filling. We've each got our unique talent and personality traits to offer, and it really brings out the best in all of us. I don't know how we're going to manage without Chris Katie and Lauren next year. :(. Okay, i think i'm going to go to bed now, but i just thought I'd let everyone know that although most of the time I don't come across as though I like you guys, i really do. I think it's more about me not being confident in myself than it is about you guys, because you've been nothing but good to me. And with that, all i will say is that i'm going to miss you guys SO MUCH this summer and I'll be happy to come back next year (if only we had nice WEATHER some of the time...and of course that is if they ALLOW me to come back next year...ahhhh). I love you all, thanks for a good first year of college.
I whisper through my donut
hey baby baby light that ass on fire
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