Tuesday, June 15, 2004

you know, last night michael was telling me never to have kids because i'm a grinch when it comes to them...i was thinking to myself "now why would he say a thing like that? I've always been so great with kids." And then i realized this job is what's doing it to me. When i was working at Round House those kids i really had a passion for, they were sweet and they followed directions. We had a couple bad ones but for the most part they were great for us and very passionate about what they were doing. It was clear that for the most part the parents had done a very noble job raising them and they weren't spoiled little brats. NOT SO HERE. Every child knows exactly how to manipulate their parents into doing whatever they please, and the parents for the most part are pushy and not the least bit understanding when it comes to problems. So yea, for the last half an hour there has been a child SCREAMING at the top of his lungs out here (i'm at the front desk). And the parents are doing a damn thing about it. This is what i'm talking about, why do they feel the need to sacrifice all of our sanity for their laziness?! RICH PEOPLE. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH. If i EVER become like that, PLEASE smack me. Or maybe just put a gun to my head. There was a woman who called the other day and didn't even know what time the class was her child went to because the nanny takes her every day. So obviously she doesn't even care enough to take her or see what's going on in the kid's life. These children are being left alone with no love and loads of money- does that sound safe to you? So i think it's rather sad that my love for children is being jaded by these parents, because it's honestly the parents and not the children that are doing this to me. Some of them are great but most of them make me want to smack them, rob them and run. Haha, i hope no one that comes here reads that...ever...anyways, yea. I'm not in the best of moods. I'm feeling really horrible today because i'm in this weird disconnected world physically where i feel like my head isn't attatched to my shoulders, and the top half of my body isn't attatched to the lower part. And my stomach is killing me. I'm getting really dizzy and my neck hurts and i feel like i can't take enough breath in to satisfy my lungs. That can't be good can it...I just can't wait till work is over. It's sad because i find myself saying that every day. EVERY day. And the fact that i work as much as i sleep every day is kind of disturbing. Mostly, i work MORE than i sleep. Go figure. At least i have money. But that shit is gonna BURN if i remain this unhappy. OMG the kid is CRYING AGAIN I'M GOING TO GO KILL HIM. That's it, that kid is DEAD. jesus fucking christ get me out of here. Okay i'm going to stop now because i really can't take this anymore. I'll write more later if i'm not in jail for homicide...



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