Saturday, October 16, 2004

I feel like i should be quoting a song or something, with some cool profound lyrics that kind of relate to the situation at hand, but i can't think of any right now because i'm too goddamn tired. Interesting weekend eh? It was great to be home, and it'll be great to go back to Ithaca- it's finally time to take some personal space and get my life back together. Yay! This means cleaning the room, doing Slim in Six again, all that good stuff. Reading too! I forgot how much i love to read. So for any of you Ithacans, if i suddenly seem kind of standoffish it's only because i'm taking some time for myself. I got a new sweatshirt! I love sweatshirts. Especially pink ones with biiiiig pockets in the front. I'm so fried right now. I just watched 3 hours of Trading Spaces on TLC with Christina because it was the only thing i have energy to do. I'M SO SORRY PAM that i dipped out on your party because i was really really really excited about it, but i'm telling you now it was the right decision because at 8 oclock this evening i could hardly keep my eyes open. I'm going to go write some poetry in my diary now because I feel artsy. I will leave you with a quote from I Heart Huckabees, which, despite my father's opinion, I think is an awesome and thought prokoving comedy. You should all go see it. And Garden State. If you haven't seen Garden State yet, i can't be your friend...

"This isn't infinity man, this is the suburbs"



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