yea school for starting again! I had so much fun today! Wocho is gonna rock, Music History will be really fun with Meola, sightsinging will be GREAT with Melissa, (even BETTER cuz Gav's not in that class anymore...) and i've heard there's some pretty cool stuff for Vocal Jazz goin on soon. Tomorrow's the big day tho, Cultural Anthropology!! And Jazz Arranging, which i found out Tommy's in so i'm excited about that. It's snowing like a mofo here, it snowed literally all day. Didn't stop Melissa and I from going to Collegetown Bagels for lunch and reading the first chapter of our Music History book! Yay for Pythagoras! (is that even spelled right?) In conclusion, good day. Tomorrow will be awesome too, MOVIE NIGHT at Gav's, what what. Time to go do some calligraphy and read a book and be warm,, it's cold outside ;)
I whisper through my donut
hey baby baby light that ass on fire
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