Monday, April 28, 2003

Okay so it's official, bill's my prom date! I actually HAVE a prom date! creepy ain't it? And Set Strike was today. Ahh, my last set strike, spent entirely in the auditorium lobby roughing it with the thespian points. I'll miss everyone so much next year. Especially you Barkmeyer! Your note in my menu is wonderful! Can't write much, SO late. Well, late for me anyways. I'm excited, today was the last day that anything of any real value was due in my classes. Yay for that! Chris Conroy, you're hot! That's all I'm going to say about that ;). Oh, and Bill Reid, you are the meanest guy in the world. I can't believe you and your stupid self. Ugh! Guess what everyone, Bill Reid just called me a buttface. That's right! And then got offline. Talk about asshole jeez. See if I ever talk to him again. Okay, again with the needing to go to bed. INSIDE JOKES to follow

*The lady, with the PANTS
*"I'd fuck her if I could"....UGH!

I can't think of any more. I bid you adeiu. Goodnight! I love you all



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