Monday, May 12, 2003

Oh my god I'm eating icecream. Not only icecream, but chocolate chip cookiedough icecream. With 10 grams of saturated fat. Ugh! So much for the slimfast drink I had for lunch. Meh. Today was an icecream day. I'll go to the gym and work it off tomorrow. Oh my god cookie dough is so unbelievably good. It's my favorite kind of icecream! Damn you Bill for not finishing it! It's ALL your fault! I wonder if a frosty has as many calories as this icecream. I don't care. Well, yes I do but for right now, I don't care. Today was...a day. I ran a half hour on the elliptical! I'm proud of myself. But then I looked in the mirror and was thoroughly disgusted. So I guess it equalled out. Guh. I feel fat. Apparently Margarita was talking about me today. Christina overheard her. I don't think it was good about me either. Well, I'm not jumping to conclusions, but...please don't hold grudges against me and not tell me about them! If you have a problem with me why don't we address it so maybe we can overcome it or something. In other news, Bill and I went out people watching again. I had a midget check me out. Huh, one thing checked off on my list of things I want to happen to me before I die! Oh wait, that was sarcastic. Then we looked at the pictures Mike's parents took of Hello Dolly. Dude, Crystal you have GOT to see this one picture. I have no words to describe. Only that I couldn't breathe for about a minute and I almost fell out of my chair. Yes, it IS that funny. Then Christina came over and we sat online and did nothing...just downloaded some stuff for a CD Christina wants me to make for her. Then she talked me into letting her read her free choice book for English to me, which actually is quite an interesting one. It's called Snow Garden and it's got some pretty R Rated stuff in it! Whew! So that's all I did. Oh, I went in for 4th period! Remind me never to do that again, what a waste. Actually, i think i need to cuz I'm losing perspective on the music. Today was just an irritable day, but I did my best to surpass the urge to lose control and get really angry. Blech. And plus I just ate about 5 POUNDS onto my stomach. Dammit dammit dammit. I'll never do it again till after prom I swear! Thespian inductions coming up Wednesday. OH!!! And I got called back for MC's Hello Dolly! Minnie Fay here I come ; ). That would be sooooooooooooooooooooooo much fun. "oh DEAR! Oh MY will you look at that!" So it's 10:06 and Bill hasn't come online all night...I'm starting to worry. haha, yea okay, well I've got nothing better to do. arg. Any other insights for today? Just that I'm starting to really freak out about leaving for college. I don't wanna go! I'm going to be leaving everything and everyone I was ever close to except for good ol' Ben Evans and taking off to a place that's 6 hours away from Maryland and any familiar faces. And PLUS, my birthday is gonna suck because I'm not gonna know anybody by the time my birthday rolls around this year, so I'm gonna spend my 18th birthday being sulky with nobody I know. It's depressing to think about! Lordy. I've got 2 months. I better live it up yo! And SPEAKING of birthdays- HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAURA!!! Love ya babe!!!!!

*Return of the Bag Lady
* the general- you HAVE to see them to understand
*Slimfast....Icecream....that'll be 4.95 please...?!


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