Saturday, June 07, 2003

1776 was....meh. It was okay. Hard Rock dinner was alright too except for the whole not being able to eat much thing. I got through half my chicken sandwhich...although Hankie and Dena were willing to finish it for me while George worked on my fries- I guess it worked out well for everyone ;). I read this book when I got home called "A Short Guide to a Happy Life." My step-uncle and his wife got it for me for Christmas but i just got it 2 days ago. It's really nice. Let me give you a little quote from it that really stood out to me. (and it's on page 23, my lucky number- cool huh?) "All of us want to do well. But if we do not do good, too, then doing well will never be enough." Think about that. That's what I live my life for. This is a great book. Here, here's another quote that I especially like. And it deserves a whole line to itself....
"I learned to live many years ago. Something really bad happened to me, something that changed my life in ways that, if I had had a choice, it would never have been changed at all. And what I learned from it is what, today, sometimes seems to be the hardest lesson of all. I learned to love the journey, not the destination. I learned that this is not a dress rehearsal, and that today is the only guarantee you get."

really makes you think doesn't it? Everything in life happens for a reason. Sometimes those reasons are not seen...even after months or years...sometimes they're never seen. But they're there. Kind of like this story that Merlyn told King Arthur in "Once and Future King." (if you don't mind me getting all philosophical on you...)

2 people (i don't remember exactly who they were, they were religious people tho, and magic one's too...) were on a journey, and they needed a place to stay. One night they come across a poor family who's only livelyhood was this cow that they owned. That night these poor people gave up their bed for the two men and gave them the only milk they had harvested that day. The day after the two men left, their cow died. The next town the men rode into was a rich one, and they asked to spend the night at a rich man's house. He let them sleep out in the shed but would give them no food and was rather rude to them the entire time. The next morning one of the two men gave money to a man to patch up the rich man's wall because it was crumbling. The less talented (in magic and philosophy and such) of the two men was VERY confused. He said to the wise man, "Those people didn't deserve to have their cow die! And that rich man definitely did not deserve to have his wall fixed after the way he treated us! What GIVES?!" (actually i don't think he said it quite like that, this is paraphrased remember). The wise man then explained. "Well, in actuality the poor man's wife was to die that night, but instead because of their kindness the cow was taken. And under that wall lies a treasure- now the rich man will never find it."

So take things in life as they come, because there's always a reason, no matter how buried it may turn out to be.

Ah yes, and in 1776 there was a lady who was in the original cast of Thoroughly Modern Millie on broadway. I was quite impressed.


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