Friday, July 04, 2003

I just saw Raging Bull at the AFI Silver movie theatre in Silver Spring. What an amazingly directed movie! Robert De Niro was crazy good in it and the artistic quality of the movie is mind blowing. Scorsese (sp?) is one of the best directors ever! And when I say this movie is good, it's not for those who like happy endings. I tell you, I hated the ending because of what happens....but the movie has no faults as far as I'm concerned. My father was talking about it and we decided that it's not a movie that you "enjoy", it's a movie that you "appreciate"... because no one in their right mind would enjoy a movie like that. It's more of an experience, as my dad would say. Anyways, I recommend it to anyone that looks at movies not only for the subject matter, but for the directing, acting, cinematography (sp?) etc...actually, I recommend it only to people who look at the film NOT for the subject matter, but for the latter things listed. You know what's crazy? Robert De Niro wanted to play the part of LaMatta so truthfully that he put on like 70 pounds for half the movie because LaMatta gets fat as hell towards the end of his career. THAT'S dedication. Anyways, in other news Adam says he might come visit me over the summer :). That would be a treat. And I have an open invatation to come see him whenever I'm in New York- which I'll probly be doing because I'm gonna go visit Mara sometime at NYU this summer. He said we could go see a show :) i'm sooooo excited! Okay, more later



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