Sunday, July 13, 2003

Why doesn't anyone ever comment on my blog? jeez. Anyways, short entry today cuz I've gotta catch some sleep- going crabbing tomorrow! The swing dance was fun up to the part where Puffy kicked me in the ankle and made me bleed. Then Boedecker drove me home. My dad made awesome burritos tonight, it was so cool! We assembled them ourselves and they had rice and black beans and barbecue chicken and stuff....mmmmm....Yea, so I saw Pirates of the Caribbean again today. I LOVE JOHNNY DEPP. He is SO HOT. Hey, so I learned some basic swing moves, along with the fox trot, the waltz, and the Charleston. Oh, and one move for 8 step swing. Preeeetty cool. Yea, this like 70 year old man danced with me and was teaching me all this stuff, and then the instructor taught me some stuff too. I really like swing dancing, but i don't know how those people twist their feet. I guess maybe I'll take a dance class or something, that would be a lot of fun. Anyways, I'm going to go because Christina's here and I don't wanna be rude.



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