Wednesday, July 14, 2004

it's time for Update-O-Rama! Went to the beach, got tan, slightly burned. Saw Anchorman, King Arthur and The Notebook. Anchorman and King Arthur were mediocre, the Notebook was the best movie ever made. No kidding. I dare you not to cry (i didn't, but CHRISTINA sure did). Going to audition for Jazz vocal program next week (Sunday). Will have schedule and everything figured out by Monday. yay! Thank you Emily and Travis for being AMAZING friends and accompanying me on this journey. And finally, i have decided to go to Ireland next summer, for the whole summer. Going to work somewhere, possibly this bed and breakfast that my friend has connections to ( for those who would like their breath taken away). I'll be going by myself, inner discovery time and such- should be a BLAST. I'm hopefully getting my ceiling fixed soon so it doesn't cave in on me. That would be a plus. Christina and I are going to start the Slim In 6 Diet/Exercise plan starting whenever the DVDs show up in the mail. Yes, we ordered it from an infomercial. Yes, we are gullible. BUT, we'll see how i look in 6 weeks ya? Actually, i go back to school in 5. Kind of depressing, but still: new major new LIFE! In other news, I forgot what i was going to say. That's sad as well. Well, maybe i'll remember it again soon, that's all for now, stay classy san diego



Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG......this is for the last entry bc for some reason the comment thing isnt working for it but YOU KNOW BLAINE?!? BLAINE. Let´s just say I know him a little, even if he doesnt remember me...from all state/mcyc plus all of my sga activities..and he is completely perfect in every way except that he´s a republican? wah? well, he does seem intelligent anyway, that´s weird : ) Anyway, Im jealous you got to hang out with him, sounds like youre having fun. ciao dahling, cristal en costa rica

July 19, 2004 at 4:37 PM  

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