Friday, January 21, 2005

Oh man, you know what I hate? When people take my quotes and copy from my profile. No good. Not pointing fingers, but i really really really don't like it.


It was -14 when i woke up this morning. Notice the - sign. That means below zero.

I'm loving school. Last night i was the biggest geek in the world, typed up my notes for music history and cultural anthropology, started doing research for my paper that's due the end of the semester, and basically did about half of my homework for next week. Man oh man, i need a social life.

I'm just sitting here right now waiting for my hair to dry, i got up at 8:30 this morning because I had to return some DVD's to Hollywood Video before 10 AM or they were late, my hands/nose froze off on the's a sad day for me i guess.

In other news, it's Melissa Shapiro's birthday! How do i know? She's told me every day for a week! But i love her anyway ;) We're going out tonight to eat sushi and i'm hella excited about that because i adore sushi and i adore the Plum Tree, which is where we're going. Yay for 19!

I was such an airhead this week, please forgive me. I'll be in a much better state of mind once i settle in the class schedule and such- let's hope I pass theory this semester...matter of fact, let's start a daily prayer circle for that eh? Because i think that's what i'll need.

It's only -7 now. Shorts weather



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