Sunday, June 08, 2003

ha ha HA! RECITAL! was flawless thank the lord I didn't mess up and embarress myself! People got me presents. I didn't know you were supposed to get presents for graduating people...umm...i certainly didn't for anyone else. ehem. ummm, oh well? I have lovely LOVELY flowers now, and thanks to everyone SO SO SO MUCH for coming! I really was surprised at how many people came, it made me feel so good to see that so many people care about me and support me! It wouldn't have been any fun without you all, and I love you to death, and you guys were really a scream! I didn't know what to do between pieces when people clapped, i was like....yea yea okay that's great. Umm...alright you can stop now.....okay you don't want to? alright STOP now please. :) So yea, i'm tired as all get out and need to go to bed because I'M GRADUATING TOMORROW! OH MY GODDDDDDDDDD....!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And i love you ersin you are the best. (as i'm writing this you're telling me the whole "woman" story, just so you understand the context of my thoughts). I don't think I could hope for any better friends then you all, I just want you to know that. I truely am blessed, and don't you forget it!!! :)



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