Saturday, June 07, 2003

Went to the gym this morning! Found out that my scale is actually 4 pounds heavy- so i'm not 150 i'm 146. It's crazy! I guess that's a good thing tho. Recital tomorrow. Party tonight. I'm so worn out from everything that's been going on, what with family and graduation and recital and all that stuff. After Monday, everything just drops. I don't know what i'm going to do with myself! haha. I've been getting some awesome ass presants for graduation. I've got a suitcase, makeup/shower bags, thermal socks, cool ass hat, DOWN scarf!!! (it's REALLY awesome, it's waterproof too). A tool kit for my dorm too. And money out the wazzoo. Did i tell you my parents are giving me 2000 for the summer?! To spend in it's entirety in 2 MONTHS. That's gonna burn a big ass hole in my pocket. And the graduation money is comin in. I've got more than a thousand already. And mind you, this does not go towards tuition, this goes towards clothes for school, and going out to eat at Ithaca, and stuff like that. Had a nice talk with Kelly last night. She's really awesome. And a lot like me actually. She does the whole "look after other people before you do youself" bit. I warned her!! But she's amazingly mature, and giving, and she's the best. Okay, well, my aunt is here from Michigan (just got here this morning) so i'm gonna go entertain her. I'll see most of you at my recital tomorrow! If you're reading this and you weren't invited, i made a is quite possible that i forgot to invite someone and for that i am really sorry- just IM me or leave a comment or email me or something and i'll give you the information! okay i'll write more later, or maybe tomorrow.



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