Friday, July 25, 2003

Ahhhh spiritual enlightenment, there's nothing like it. I had 4 of my classes today, and they were very beneficial to me, I really enjoyed them. Took one on developing my physic mediumship, which I'm sure none of you understand what that means, if you do I'm proud of you, and numerology (yeaaa, cool shit)...ancestral lines cleaning (another one I'd be surprised if you knew offense or anything, i think like one half a percent of the world knows what that is) and Soul Mates. Not like everyone pictures them- Soul Mates are actually extremely different. And you have more than one. Pretty cool stuff, let me tell you. Okay so I'm not going to go into a rant about soul mates and spiritual growth and the meaning of life and such, although I have contemplated all of that today :). Tomorrow, more classes. Sunday....more classes. Monday, I'll be SPIRITUALLY ENLIGHTENED :) I'm definitely the youngest one there by far. It was really funny because this lady who was teaching the ancestral cleaning class was talking about how she used to be a high school chorus teacher and how she gave that up to become a Shaman (spiritual master of sorts). She made the comment "I had to give up teaching a high school because I just imagined the kids faces when I showed up in ritual garments ready to preach about metaphysics"....and then she looked at me....and got a little confused as to why i was there. But okay, that's enough typing for right now, I think i'm going to go to bed shortly because I have to get up at 6:15 tomorrow morning. That didn't happen this morning, I slept through my first class on purpose, just didn't have enough energy to get up. OH! I got lost in DC today! OMG i'm NEVER gonna do that again. I swear. It wasn't as bad as New York but I didn't like it. Okay, i'll write more tomorrow. LEAVE COMMENTS PEOPLE!



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