Thursday, July 24, 2003

I'm back from New Jersey, I had so much fun, again. I helped out with Adam's production of Chess, I painted this bridge thing! And I'm SO proud ;). I got to paint it grey, and managed to get paint ALL OVER myself. Then I got to watch the rehearsal, and they're definitely doing a commendable job with that musical, it's SO difficult. Stayed up till 2:30 talking to Adam about stuff at his house, slept till around 9 and then couldn't go back to bed. Adam was a bum and slept till noon. Haha, that kid has been SO overworked it's not even funny. He told me I could wake him up if I wanted to but he needed sleep so badly i didn't dare impend! Mmmm i still have paint on my finger nail. They open tomorrow, I think it'll be an entertaining show. I really miss being in New Jersey all ready. It's so great to be on your own time, just driving up there on a whim to hang out with someone i really enjoy spending time with- and his family too! I mean I LOVE his sister and mother! They are so amazingly cool and fun to hang out with. I wanna go live there now, I swear. If I could just take all of you with me ;). I think people like Adam are the reason I'm not totally flipping out and crying every night about leaving here. Because I'm going to miss you all so much, but i've actually found out that there are wonderful people that are gonna be at Ithaca too! Ah good times, good times. Well I'm going to bed now, I'm really tired, I just finished driving 5 hours home when just yesterday I drove 5 hours there. And the funniest part is I love the drive as much as the trip! THE DRIVE IS SO WONDERFUL!!!! It's gorgeous, and I'm by myself, and I can blast the music and dance around in the car and talk to myself and NO ONE cares! Because NO ONE knows me! It's the best feeling. And I'm just Ms. Popular with my cell phone now, even though I know it's a really bad idea to drive and talk on the cell phone. But I'm careful with it. Okay, i'm going to bed, glad to be back I guess- but it's less than a month till i'm gone. For good. OMG. UGH. If any of you want to see Ms. Lara before she goes off into never never land and becomes a real college student give me a call and I'll save some time for you. I really am going to miss you all SO much



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