Monday, July 14, 2003

Just got back from crabbing and I'm about to crrrrash. I'm sooooo tired. I got, count 'em, 2 hours of sleep last night, and have been crabbing since 6 in the morning. Like, we got to the pier at 6. We caught 4 crabs. Although that was better than anyone ELSE did on the pier, it still wasn't good enough to bring them home so we gave them to this guy who was still crabbing when we left, and packed up. It was enjoyable except for this guy who was drunk off his ass who kept annoying us, and teasing Christina and I that he was gonna throw us in the water. My dad told him to "kindly not touch what was not his" and he backed away. He was driving too! I swear he must be dead by now, the way he ripped outta the parking place. Anways, I think that's all I'm gonna write right now, Christina and I are gonna pop in a movie and crash in the den. Whew. Longggg day.



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