Saturday, July 05, 2003

Mmmm Fourth of July! The Barbecue was really nice, we had chicken sausage and chicken breast cuz I don't eat any red meat (yall know that), and then Phoebe and I did loads of stuff. We went online to torture my friends, but nobody was on and willing to talk. Then we played the Harry Potter Trivia Game (and she actually resorted to cheating because she was scared I was going to win....RIGHT, like I would ever win something that asks you to remember how many turkeys were served at the first dinner at Hogwarts!). Of course I was surprisingly better at that game than the last time I played it...I only lost by 3 this time! (before I lost by like, 9). So then we went upstairs and met the new Guinea Pigs, and started reading "Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher" by Bruce Coville. She really likes me to read to her, and I enjoy re-reading all the books I read as a child. We got about 80 pages into it, I'm probly reading the rest to her today after we go see "Spellbound". Oh, so as I was reading this book to her my dad comes in and says "uh...we lost track of time, and, we really don't think it's worth it to go down to RM to see the fireworks- what do you guys think?" We decided that we would just stay and watch the DC one's on TV with the lights off. We made anti-American government comments the entire time, it was a nice evening :). That sums up my day after Raging Bull yesterday- Christina came over right before we left for the Temkins and dropped off her bike again- it has it's permanent residence in my shed. Christina's gonna buy a bike rack for her car so we can take the bikes to NC with us! I think that would be awesome. Oh, I didn't write about our bike ride 2 nights ago. It was crazy fun! We were getting her bike outta the shed and she was nervous about spiders and such, so I told her to ride it around a bit so they'd all fall off. The air in her tires was almost completely gone, so we decided to take my and her bike to get air in the tires at the gas station about 5 minutes away from my house. So at 10 at night we rode flat bikes to the gas station, figured out how to use the air machine...that was funny...and then went to Dairy Queen and I got a Mint Oreo Blizzard, while she got some fat free fudge bars because of her diet. The Blizzard was better. The bike ride really brought back old memories, cuz I used to ride that thing nonnnnnstop everywhere I went. It was nice to be on it again, and Christina has made me promise that we will ride bikes a lot this summer. Barry's coming over today at noon so we can rehearse for Lizzie and Meg's party that I'm singing a set for. I haven't sung for a really long time! Not since my recital! I'm rather excited to be singing again, with an accompanist and everything. So I gotta go take a shower before he comes, I'll write more later.



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