Saturday, July 05, 2003

Saw SpellBound today- a documentary about the National Spelling Bee. And boy it was really good! I really felt for those kids at the end of it. And some of those families, jeez, you would bet money the documentary was made by the same people that did Spinal Tap, Best in Show and A Mighty Wind. There was this dog in the movie, that belonged to one of the was hilarious! It was ALWAYS in the shot, either sleeping or licking the mother's leg. It was hilarious. So yea, 2nd movie in 2 days. Let's see, what else did I do today? Oh, Barry came over and we worked on the set for Lizzie's'll be nice. I....slept....I don't know why, i've been getting plenty of sleep. Tomorrow I get to learn how to wash clothes for the FIRST TIME! (Sheltered much?!) I'm also getting together with Ersin to go to Tysons...if he ever calls me cuz I didn't talk to him at all today...and getting together with Mehrnoush in the evening. fulllll day. Oh! I got a new answering machine message! Yall need to call it and listen, we worked rreeeeeeal hard on it :). Okay, so I guess that's all for today. Countdown to Ithaca- 49 days. Wow! That's crazy soon. yesssssssss



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