Thursday, June 12, 2003

SHOPPING WAS SO MUCH FUN!!!!!! I spent 200 dollars. Today. On clothes and a bear. The bear is really cute too- it's wearing a hawaiian shirt and some sunglasses. So, the outfits. They are SO cute! Okay, i'll describe all the outfits for you. Okay, first outfit- the sexy one. Dark jean skirt that goes down to the knee but has slits up the front where both legs are. The shirt is TOTALLY Cara Rogers. It's a halter that ties in the front (and the back of course)- maroon. Very nice. Okay second outfit- long khaki skirt with this really cute dark blue shirt. You know those shirts that look like there's another shirt underneath it but there really isn't? Well it's one of those, and the shirt "underneath" is yellow. It's cute. Next outfit- short khaki skirt that kind of flips out at the bottom, it's sooooo cute, and another one of those "two shirt" shirts, only this one's blue with a pastel pink shirt underneath it. The last, well it's not a complete outfit cuz i forgot to buy a shirt for it- just some khaki shorts with a cute belt. And my bathing suit! I got this AWESOME bathing suit- the only 2 piece that i've ever felt comfortable in. It's kind of rainbow-y, but not like in your face colors. It's stripy, and, well, i guess you just have to see it. I got everything from Hetchs (sp?) and for 150.00 because Dena was smart enough to bring those 20% your whole purchase coupons. THANK YOU DENA! she saved me like 35-40 bucks! We ate lunch in the food court, I got my regular strawberry smoothie, and dena got a smoothie and a salad...gooooood lunch. So yea, what a productive day. Oh! I went in to see Jane's courtyard concert today, it was good. I really like her songs. I saw Ms. Krebs and we talked about possible shows for next year. And i'm not going to tell ANYONE about them. NONE of you. but there are some very very good shows, so don't worry- you're in good hands, that's for sure. Okay i'll probly write more tonight, Im going off the wall here, I'm really excited about my outfits :).



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