Sunday, June 15, 2003

Hmph. A lot has been happening lately. I'll probly write more about it at a later date when it's all over with. Don't worry it's not anything about me or anything. I'm going camping tomorrow! Well, hopefully. I can't wait! 2 piece bathing suit! Haha, and I ate SO much today. Popcorn, pulled chicken BBQ sandwhich- whew! Father's day was fun, went to see "Winged Migration"- it was an awesome movie! So it was an hour and a half movie about the migration of birds, but damned if it wasn't better than half the movies I've seen lately. It's really really awesome! These people worked for 3 years with these birds and flew with them in mini helicopters and handgliders and stuff and so the birds after a while just took them as one of the flock. The shots these people got are AMAZING! I've never seen anything like it. So I suggest you see it, it's definitely worth it. The music is wonderful too, and well it should be because there's only about 15 minutes of talking total in the entire movie. Believe me I had my doubts about it, but it's a wonderful piece of art. Okay so then I went to my flute recital, which was horrible. I was really dry (my throat) and about 3 times during my solo my throat just closed. I couldn't control it! It would just stop airflow, it was terrible. So yea, the trio was great great great tho just like i knew it would be. After that we went to Red Hot and Blue and ate really good dinner, then I stopped by Giant to get some sunscreen (woooo BEACH!) and I was humming along to the song in the store when the cashier lady said "damn girl, American Idol!" it was so funny. She was really nice. I told her about the whole Montgomery Idol thing and she was really nice to me :). So yea, now i'm at home waiting for Heather to call me. This is going to potentially be a very long night.


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