Friday, June 13, 2003

okay, so my parents got a new 2004 Toyota Matrix. Let me explain. The 2003 (used) Toyota Matrix had an electrical problem so we took it back and got a brand spankin new one. I drove it home.'s a manual. I really don't like manuals. Like this sucks ass because i'm not horrible at driving them but i definitely do NOT like the whole rolling back at stop lights bit. NO NO NO. So I was kind of freaked out about the car at this stoplight, and when it turned green I pressed on the gas too quickly....and the wheels did this weird spinny thingy and then screeched really REALLY loud. My father wasn't too pleased with that move. I can't parallel park worth SHIT either. So much so that when I got it home I just got out of the car and went inside. Heh. I think i'll be sticking to my lovely automatic thank-you-very-much. Except for the fact that my little baby Disco Fever is gonna be in the shop for a while. But THAT'S okay because i'm going CAMPING!!!! wooooooooooo!!!! With my new outfits and bathing suit! This is going to be so much fun. Yayfor Lara and her new clothes. Alright i'm really tired and it's almost midnight. Hmph. I should be sound asleep. Yea RIGHT like that's going to happen. I'll write more tomorrow.



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