hey guys, we still don't have the internet in our dorm, but i'm here hangin out in Friends computer lab for a little bit cuz it's raining and I don't feel like walking home just yet. Auditions...yea, well, bottom line is i didn't get anything but that's alright, cuz it's expected of the freshman not to get anything. There's a huge "greet the meat" drama party tomorrow night that i'm going to, so...it's crazy. Everybody's apparently going to try and pressure me into drinking, but i'm not GONNA!!! There are so many hot SOPHOMORE theatre majors, i don't know what it is about that class. My voice teacher told me today that he thinks my voice is better suited for classical music- OY VEY. Myra has been telling me that for 5 years, I thought i was getting away from it. I've heard that he's a really prestigious voice teacher, so i'm excited. Ummm, what else. my music theory teacher is the NAZI BITCH FROM HELL. But i've heard that if i go in for help she'll love me, so that's what i'm planning on doing. Overall I'm having a GREAT time here at Ithaca, i haven't gone to any parties yet, but i'm going to one tomorrow night so be proud of me! I have yet to break my good girl image, however I have promised Christina that i will hook up with a guy before I leave campus for my fall break. I'm going to try my damndest to KEEP the resolution...as I really wouldn't mind it ;). Hahaha. I tested out of keyboarding (woo woo) and now i'm in theatre production, which is basically techie work. I'm so excited, i LOVE TECHIE WORK!!!! Okay, i'm gonna go now, i was supposed to meet Emmie a while ago, we're gonna watch the Two Towers on the big screen drive in movie thing tonight, then party hardy in Andrew's dorm. It's not really a party. Haha, it's more like...watching movies. (They're music majors, what do you expect?!) Maybe we'll listen to Brahms! WOOO (sarcastic, i'm BEING SARCASTIC). People who are reading this, PLEASE leave comments because I want to know what y'all are up to! Since I don't have IM just leave me a message here. To all my seniors, HOW'S SENIOR YEAR?! DO YOU LOVE IT YET?!?!?!?! I can't believe when the seniors here were chanting "seniors seniors seniors" I couldn't join in! Hmph. Okay, i'm gonna go, i'll write more when I HAVE THE INTERNET
I whisper through my donut
hey baby baby light that ass on fire
Friday, August 29, 2003
Tuesday, August 26, 2003
stillllllllllllll no internet. I'll write more when i have some. I have to tell you all about auditions!! They're going...okay. I'll write more later, i gotta jet
Sunday, August 24, 2003
hey guys!! i'm at college now. And the internet doesn't work here probly until Monday or Tuesday because the server was hit by the blaster virus...no good. That's why i didn't post earlier, i'm actually at one of the computer labs right now because I got up early to go sign up for an audition time...and when I got to Dillingham there was NOOObody there. I swear to god I heard 8 oclock. Well, I've got SO much to do today it's crazy. I have to register my car, stop by dining services, audition, find my flute teacher and meet up with her, buy my books, go to all this continuing orientation stuff they have- ugh. I met some really nice people in my dorm hall tho! My roommate is amazingly nice, she wrote me a note this morning and stuck it on my computer saying good luck at auditions. The girls next door to me are SO great, Lauren and Ingrid- Maybe it's spelled with an E i don't remember. It's weird and a half not having Christina and my parents around, although they are back at the hotel in Cortland, that's even weirder. OH! My PHONE fell in the TOILET last night, and now it won't turn on. Soooo, I probly won't have a phone for a while, which really REALLY sucks, I think I might talk my mother into giving me her phone. If so, my new number would be (301)980-7561. Really close to the other one, just a one number difference. So yea, I hung out with Ernest and Adam a little bit. Oh, wouldn't you know it, Adam totally ditched me last night. They had karaoke going until 10, but there were res. hall meetings for an hour at 8- SO, I told Adam that after the res hall meeting he should meet me at the karaoke place and we could hang out. WELL, he didn't. And then I tried calling him later....nobody picked up. Then I walked over to his DORM and nobody was there!! Ugh. Oh well, there are SO many other guys here it's not even funny. And I've found gym buddies already which is grrreat for me because i'm right next to the gym!! Oh, my toe/foot still REALLY hurts from the beach. I think I might have sprained something. Yea, not cool. Anyways, i think i'm gonna run because I feel really stupid just sitting in this computer lab ALL by myself at 8:15 in the morning! Ohh, even weirder now that somebody just walked in. right. I'll be going now. Everyone wish me luck that I figure out what i'm doing here....hehe. Oh, just one more thing. My dorm is BEAUTIFUL :). I really like it a lot. I couldn't fall asleep easily last night tho, that's going to take some getting used to. I MISS YOU ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL