Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Here is an example of my friend Alex Sobotowski. We call him sobo. Or hobo, depending-

RodeoSobo: i wish people would call me a hunter-gatherer once in a while
popqueen23: you wanna be a hunter-gatherer?
RodeoSobo: do i
RodeoSobo: the answer is a resounding yes

cheers to my hunter-gatherer friend......?

okay i put my pictures up as a link on the blog. Did you guys look at them? How did you like them? Give me feedback- what do you want to see pictures of? Let me know so I can take them and put them on here!!!


PS- today was exaggeration day, where we exaggerate the most prominant part of ourselves that people see....and....guess what! I was a MOTHER. With GREY hair and WINKLES on my face. GO FIGURE.

Sunday, September 28, 2003

Hey guys, i am SO sick it's not even funny. Last night we go to 2 different parties, i drove my drunk friends around...which actually is rather funny. 9 people in my car, and NO ONE in the trunk this time. Although Chuckie did ride in it, but that was the first trip, and that was only because he wanted to. I spent the night over Xander's, and when I woke up I had the worst headache i've had in years, the worst soar throat, and I couldn't breathe out my nose. It snuck up on me when I was asleep. I think Xander passed it on to me, cuz he's been sick for the past week or so...but it was really funny because he woke up this morning feeling fantastic, and I woke up feeling like I wanted to die! I think it's like a marathon race or something, now I just need to pass it on to someone else, hehehe. Anyways, enough of that. I have to do this thing today where I do everything with my nondominant hand, it's really difficult. Especially since I'm so worn out because of this sick shit I have. I slept for 3 hours today during the day, and i'm about to go to bed early too. Last night I only got 5 hours of sleep. For some reason I have trouble sleeping for long periods of time in Xander's bed...i mean when I sleep I sleep but I can't stay asleep for more than like 6 hours. Oh well, I'm not really complaining, some things I have to sacrifice for others. Ah yes, and thank you Maddie, I agree with you. ;). Danny's hot too, don't you think?
