Saturday, May 01, 2004

Wow, the last 2 days have been THE most insane EVER. Starting on Thursday night, we had rehearsal from 11:30 to 1. The next morning we got up at 7:45 to go to class by 8. I slept every chance I got on Friday inbetween things I had to do, which consisted of class, writing a paper, my writing meeting, half of Musical Theatre Workshop, last day of work (We had the SHOW....omg that was the most stressful thing ever) then rehearsal at 8. From 8 to 11:30 we had rehearsal, with countless juniors and seniors trying to sneak in and watch. Then the sophomores had sophomore streak- which was more like sophomore Victoria's Secret show because no one actually streaked. Well, a few people did....anyways, it was disappointing. Best part being one of the sophomores drank too much, undressed and passed out in Studio 1, so the cops had to take her to the health center. After this mishap, the cops (who were originally informed and okay with sophomore streak) decided not to be okay with it and threatened everyone. So all the juniors and sophomores had to leave (the juniors were there to throw water ballons at the naked sophomores) and the seniors gave us pizza then had to leave too. Back to rehearsal, but the cops said we had to be out by 1. So we go on raids to get clothes from the seniors we're playing. We went in my car to 2 houses, both of which were very productive, and then we searched for an HOUR AND A HALF to find Blythe Miller's house and couldn't do it, we had NO idea where she lived. OH OH, and I was with this girl named Katie McGuire from Montgomery County, she went to BCC. So I said "Hey, i know ONE person from BCC, but he's a little older than you. He was in AllState, he was really hot....blonde..." she says "oh oh Adam (somebody, i can't remember)?" But I recognized the name Adam, so i was like, "Yea! I think that's him! You know him? damn he was so hot." She says "Yea i know him, he's my boyfriend." Crickets, I swear. And then the phone rings, and it's him! So she has me talk to him, he remembers me because we went out to Friendly's with Jessica Hollies once. Hilarious. Ohhhh embarressing, but I was too tired to care. So we get back at around 2:30 AM, and of course Ronny and Jenny in all their splendor were asleep on the bed with no covers. I mean, it wasn't so bad...they were both wearing underwear.....?! Oh well, one week left. Not even! Then we started rehearsal this morning at EIGHT, and went till noon, got an hour break, then started rehearsal again. Now is our final break before the show, and so i'm going to go get some more sleep, because Im going to be up allllllllllll night tonight. Yay for Sherry Party! Thank FUCKING god it's almost over!!!! I miss sleep....


Friday, April 30, 2004

I already changed it.... I guess people just don't notice. *sniff*. God it's early. And I have so much to do today it's astounding. I don't stop until....5:30. oyvey. Okay i'll write more later guys. Home in 6 days!


Thursday, April 29, 2004

except for the fact that I'd lose everything if I changed templates...oh well, a name change is good for now

I sure can rack up the comments when I write something meaningful can't i? Thanks guys i appreciate it! And I think it's time I redesigned my blog, it needs changing


Wednesday, April 28, 2004

time for the reflection post:

This year has been shit, and i'm glad that it's almost over. HOWEVER, i have learned so much, and i am so thankful. I made new friends, had fun...cried a lot, haha. Just the other night i was walking home and i had this image of me alone in the universe with a purple light surrounding me- it was such a shocking image, and it made me cry, but i honestly think that's what's happening to me right now. I'm becoming my own person, independent. Of course I still need people and am dependent on many things, but independence is something that comes over you, it's knowledge more than a state. There are no strings holding me up, or holding me back. I can make decisions by myself and believe in them. And because of this i can reach out to other people. This is a good thing. Now if i wasn't such a LONER at this school, it'd be great. But i think i need a summer to recooperate from what I went through this year. I need to make a lot of money, see a lot of people and LAUGH A LOT.

I miss RM so much, I want you to know that. It's not because I don't have any friends here, it's not because I feel underappreciated, it's because I have extremely wonderful friends back home. Many more than I thought I had last year. And it's so amazing to realize how many people truely care about me. In particular (although I could go on forever) i'm speaking about crystal, alix, taronte, maddie- who never gave up on me even though I went through some pretty self- indulgent shit senior year and the beginning of college.

And let me just take this time to say that nothing is serious in highschool. Nothing is really that serious in college either, but just don't take anything too seriously in highschool, cuz it's not. Appreciate your parents, because you sure as hell will as soon as they're not around all the time. I promise, even if you think your parents are the most strict, unrelenting pieces of shit on the planet, you WILL appreciate them by the end of freshman year in college.

Another tip for those who are going to college- don't go tied down. I mean boyfriends, girlfriends, etc. This will hinder you, i promise. Even if you think you're going to get back together over winter break and summer break (which happens a lot here I promise) leave it open during school. People do get back together, and it doesn't mean you don't care about them any more, but you need to be independent for a time in college. Take the courage to sever attatchments for the first semester or so. It's not going to be that way all of college, and I'm not saying you should go have lots of sex while you're free of your significant other (of course you COULD, that's your choice...) but you should really take some time to yourself. It's not selfish, it's needed.

Make sure to keep your friends from highschool too, because they are most often the people who know you the best. People will get to know you better at college through the years, but don't go to college thinking that all of a sudden you're going to have millions of tight knit relationships with people you've only just met. You could totally get along with someone more than you ever have anyone else, but that doesn't mean they know you- and trust me, you need to have people know who you are, you get kind of confused halfway through. This year I hardly knew who I was most of the time, thank god I had people like Christina and Pam and my parents helping me out. And my friends here, Emmie, Ingrid, Lauren, Jenny, etc- they helped me a lot as well. With the help of these people, I finally realized who I am.

Just a final note, never give up. I'm guilty of that, I do it all the time. I have become a person who avoids things and people just because i'm afraid of it, i don't feel like i'm up to the challenge. This is not a good thing. Never give up on things and people. Because people always mean better than they think and better than they seem to, believe me. Always believe in your friends, aquaintences, even enemies, because they are human just like you. If you have a chance, give them a second one, you'll be amazed.

Know that it will end. Everything ends, but from it springs new life. Have a place to ground yourself- my place is home. You'll never know how much you miss it until you're away for a year. I love my friends, I love RM, I love Rockville. And as I told Alison today, I am anywhere but here right now, and that's how I like it.

SEE YOU SOON- May 6th is the big day!!!!!!


review today- oy oy!

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

I wouldn't really be the person to ask about belly button rings...i'll ask christina if she knows of any. Remember, i have a tattoo, not a belly button ring ;). Home in a week and 2 days! I'm so happy. Things are so amazingly hectic here that the first second i have down time, i have NO idea what to do with myself. That's why i'm blogging so much, because i have to go to class in like 45 minutes, so I can't really do anything but sit on the damn computer and veg. So I'll write. Actually i should probly be working on my paper, but it frusterates me so much! grrrr. So let me get some comments from you guys, what are you doing over the summer?


Monday, April 26, 2004

Mark the ones that apply
(X) I Never Have Been Drunk
(X) I Never Have Smoked Pot
( ) I Never Have Kissed A Member Of The Opposite Sex
( ) I Never Have Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex
(X) I Never Crashed A Friend's Car
(X) I Never Have Been To Japan
( ) I Never Rode In A Taxi
(X) I Never Have Been In Love
(X) I Never Have Had Sex In Public
( ) I Never Have Been Dumped
( ) I Never Shoplifted
(X) I Never Have Been Fired
( ) I Never Been In A Fist Fight
(X) I Never Had A Threesome
(X) I Never Snuck Out Of My Parent's House
(X) I Never Have Been Tied Up
(X) I Never Have Been Caught
(X) I Never Pissed On Myself
(X) I Never Had Sex With A Member Of The Same Sex
(X) I Never Been Arrested
(X) I Never Made Out With A Stranger
(X) I Never Stole Something From My Job
(X) I Never Celebrated New Years In Time Square
( ) I Never Went On A Blind Date
( ) I Never Lied To A Friend
(X) I Never Had A Crush On A Teacher
(X) I Never Celebrated Mardi-Gras In New Orleans
(X) I Never Been To Europe
( ) I Never Skipped School
(X) I Never Slept Witha co worker
(X) I Never Cut Myself On Purpose
(X) I Never Had Sex At The Office
(X) I Never Have Been Married
(X) I Never Have Been Divorced
(X) I Never Had Sex With More Than One Person Within The Same Week
(X) I Never Have Posed Nude
(X) I Never Got Someone Drunk Just To Have Sex With Them
(X) I Never Have Killed Anyone
(X) I Never Received Scars From My Sex Partner
(X) I Have Never Thrown Up In A Bar
(X) I Have Never Purposely Set A Part Of Myself On Fire
( ) I Have Never Eaten Sushi
(X) I Have Never Been Snowboarding
(X) I Have Never Had Sex At A Friend's House While They Were Throwing A Party
(X) I Have Never Had Sex In A Dressing Room
(X) I Have Never Flashed Anyone
(X) I Have Never Purchased Pornography

well that wasn't very interesting was it?

back in Ithaca. ugh. Only a week and some till i'm done!!!!! And i want to see each and every one of you highschool kiddies over the summer. Emily, Maddie, i didn't get to talk to you much at cast party, so I want to go to lunch sometime soon. What else is different? I'm feeling a lot better after being home, it can do that to me. Barkmeyer, you know I hugged you so hard I got a cramp in my shoulder? Way to go DOC. jeez. Yea yea, and about that audience seating thing, pshhh, of course I support you guys! I think it's hilarious that it was only one ticket tho. You guys deserve it, that's an amazing show. I want a copy if i can get it. When are inductions? And who's getting inducted? Let me know. So if anyone hasn't had a chance, read the comment on the post from Wednesday Apr 21st- my dad filled out the survey. It's funny. Okay, i have to go to class now i'm late AHHHH


Sunday, April 25, 2004

Yay for Jekyll! Yay for cast party! Yea, i didn't think i was going to go, but I'm glad I did cuz it was a lot of fun. Martin, it was really nice to talk to you again, haven't seen you for a while. I actually had a dream about you last night, i can't remember what happened but I do know you were in it. Crystal and Bill, it was great talking to you again. Haven't laughed like that in a long time. Anyways, i think i'm going to go unpack the stuff I brought from Ithaca, and pack up the stuff I have to take back. Didn't go to the Women's Rights march today, i'm a copout. I was just worried about driving home safely because I haven't had enough sleep all weekend and Im driving 6 hours by myself. I think Christina and I are going out to lunch at this Indian place just so we can order Nan and eat lots of it. That stuff is SO GOOD. The next few weeks are going to be extremely busy so i don't think i'm going to be writing much. Only 1 1/2 weeks left INCLUDING finals!!!! I'm SO EXCITED TO COME HOME FOR THE SUMMER AHHHHHHHHHH
