Congrats to the people who got cast in the RM shows! Mara called me last night and gave me the lowdown. Although I definitely don't agree with some of the casting, I do VERY MUCH agree with others. LIKE JOHN BARKMEYER AS EL GALLO!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THAT I'M SOOOOOOO EXCITED! and by excited I mean EXCITED! You really deserved that part Barkmeyer. And good luck to both Laura and Crystal, I know you can both play the part equally well. Ersin, you deserved a bigger part. That's all I'm going to say. :) I just brought a tour group into my dorm when I was coming home from a sleepover in the Towers, and when I opened the room up I remembered that Jenny was probly still sleeping...and her boyfriend was there. HAh...ehh...yea. So we hid him. It was HILARIOUS. All the parents and stuff, eh, oh well. They got to see the REAL college experience. there's a formal tonight!!! Freshman Party! it's so awesome i'm so excited. I'm wearing one of emmie's dresses and Xander's going with me :). It's gonna be fun tonight!
I whisper through my donut
hey baby baby light that ass on fire
Saturday, September 13, 2003
Thursday, September 11, 2003
That sounds like a good prediction Crystal, let's hope that's the case. I'm glad so many people are reading this, see, I didn't know you guys would read, so I don't know who to gear my entries to! Apparently it's all freshman....oh, sorry, sophomores. How is sophomore year guys? Doing nice things to ya? Are you all gonna come visit me sometime? OH, you know what would be the COOLEST thing in the ENTIRE world? If you wrote me. Because I never get any letters, and my roommate always gets these packages in the mail, I feel left out :(. So if you'd like to become my BEST FRIEND EVER send me a letter at
Lara Supan
Ithaca College
Eastman 0306
953 Danby Road
Ithaca, NY 14850-7222
I swear to GOD I will love you for the rest of my life if you write me. And I'll write you back! It'll be fun penpal stuff!!!
In other news, I had ballet today, which was fun. I had Script Analysis, which was fun. I almost fell asleep tho. I write continuously in classes like that to keep myself awake, so I have written commentary on what was going on in my head during that entire class. I also had satin's class (Mary Arlin's) in which I got a question wrong!!! AH! She called on me as I was counting the ledger lines, and so I just guessed, but I guessed wrong. She gave me her sarcastic bullshit of an "I don't THINK so, are you SURE?" I said "hold on a minute, i'm counting." haha. She says "I'm HOLDing." So then I TOOK MY TIME, and finally gave her both the notes and the right answer. She doesn't scare me, I just don't like her at ALL. Whatever, after a while she just gets rather funny because she's SOOOOO MEAN. Oh, I went to Campus Center for lunch, saw Xander in his SEXY dining hall hat, carrying a bucket around washing things. He came over and sat with us as we ate, he risked getting written up. Aww what a sweetie. I'm having dinner with him tonight. Oh, guys!!! 9 days till my birthday!! I'm gonna be 18 and worry free, a TRUE ADULT! So I can....well....go clubbing and buy lottery tickets. SCORE. LOTTERY TICKETS! I'm gonna waste ALL my money on those things now, welcome to adulthood. I think i'm gonna go take a nap now, it's nice for this week to be over. (only flute & voice lessons tomorrow, and V&M, but i had no homework for that). Woo woo!!
PS- DON'T FORGET TO TELL ME WHO GOT WHAT!!!! Even the callbacks, let me know asap!
Wednesday, September 10, 2003
Great, i'm glad at least two people are reading ;). Good luck RMers with the auditions, I've heard from Heather and a few other people that they are rather difficult. DEFINITELY keep me up to date as to who gets what!! When do you guys find out, when's the cast list posted? Today was fun in classes and such, we went through evolution in our Voice and Movement class, we did Status work in our Scene Study class, and we danced around a whole bunch in Jazz. And that's my day! I just had lunch, now i'm about to drive Tyler to Wegmans and then do my homework until I go to dinner. Then i'm probly gonna hang out with Xander more homework because Mary Arlin believes that she should assign the MOST amount of work humanly POSSIBLE to do in a day. And if you think i'm kidding, try 50 pages of workbook and a worksheet that's hard as shit....EVERY FUCKING CLASS. If she would just die, I would be a lot happier. Yea. okay i'm gonna start on my homework now, i'll write more later
Tuesday, September 09, 2003
Come ON guys if you don't comment i'm gonna stop writing on this thing- I need to know people are reading!
Monday, September 08, 2003
okay, this post is dedicated to Lauren Smith, the funniest girl on the face of the fucking planet. She is hilarious. She also happens to be my next door neighbor. I don't think she could possibly be upset. Or mean. Or sad. Or ANYTHING except for really funny ALL THE TIME. I went to dinner with her today, and I got this wrap that was horrible because they put hot mustard instead of Honey Dijon mustard. I started bitching about it and she yells "WE'VE GOT A MUSTARD CRISIS OVER HERE!!!" It was really REALLY funny. And then we were talking about what kind of animal she would be if she was an animal, and she said that everyone told her she'd be a bunny. Yea it's true, she really would be a bunny. I asked her what I would be, she said an owl because of my eyes. I guess I could see that...anyways, we were having this conversation tonight and this is how it goes...
singndrain310: owls are pretty smart animals
popqueen23: hahaha
singndrain310: I am merely a carrot eatin fool
popqueen23: so are BUNNIES!
singndrain310: bunnies have funny ears and noses and have puffy buts
singndrain310: I dunno if i want to be a bunny
singndrain310: I got a personality crisis here
popqueen23: awww
popqueen23: hahaha, we've got a MUSTARD CRISIS over here!
I LOVE you Lauren. or, as we LOVE to say to eachother, I HAAATE YOU.
- your CARING neighbor
Sunday, September 07, 2003
Ugh do you know how freaked out I get when i'm the ONLY sober person on an entire res. floor?! I seriously got scared out of my mind. You know how people say that other people are a LOT funnier when they're drunk? Well, it's not actually that the person is funnier, it's that the person who's passing judgement is drunk and therefor thinks EVERYTHING is funny. I don't think one particularly funny thing was said last night, but I was the ONLY person not laughing. EVERYONE there was drunk! Xander, Tyler, Andrew...Emmie was kinda....i didn't know what to do. Tyler, even tho he was drunk, got me away from everybody else so that I wouldn't freak out any more, and thank god for that. I actually felt glued to the spot i was sitting, i was just trying my hardest to block out the fact that everyone around me was drunk out of their wits. It was crazy. But i'm okay now. Xander came down after a while and we went back to his dorm...he wasn't really that drunk, he was just...not...sober. So yesterday I went and bought these two posters for his room- Led Zeppelin and Spinal Tap, and I was a sliiick mofo and put them up in his room when he didn't know about it. I switched our keys when he wasn't looking and got into his room, put them up, switched the keys back, and he NEVER KNEW. Last night when we walked into his dorm it took him five minutes to even realize there was anything different, and then when he noticed them he thought he wasn't in his room! It was HI larious. I'm so proud of myself for it, and he loves the posters. I'm gonna go do my homework now so i can hang out with Xander tonight, I really like spending time in his SINGLE. :)