Friday, June 20, 2003

yay! Yup. Thanks for inviting me to your party Ruchita, and i whole heartedly agree that people were being WAY inconsiderate- hey, but Akash was cute ;)


Should I paint houses over the summer? And work for Jessica Hollies? It sounds like a fun time to me. The pay is not too bad either. Only problem being i'm not 18....grrr....but she's gonna see if she can work around that. I think I'll know by Wednesday or so about that, hopefully it'll work out, it sounds like a nice job. I've always liked painting things and getting paint all over myself, and plus i'd be outside getting a tan and working out. And i'd be getting PAID to do it! So yea, we'll see what comes of that. I'm going to the beach tomorrow. Woooo!! Virginia Beach baby. Gettin' a tan....goin in the water....if it's not raining and fuckin freezing outside....and if that's the case....goin to the mall....eating....getting fat. This could make to be an interesting vacation. Okay I need to stop eating these wheat crackers and get crackin on mailing out thank you cards to the people who gave me stuff for graduation. Does anyone remember giving me a "floating picture frame" at my recital? It was in a big music bag, but there was no name on it. In the same breath, does anyone remember giving me a leather purse? I don't know who these are from, so I can't properly thank anyone for them :(. Okay, off to write numerous thank you notes....THEN THE BEACH!


Thursday, June 19, 2003

Rekcedeob: Just marry me, woman.

Hahaha. Yea. You know what's a great great song? Innocence Again by Switchfoot. It's really good. and the guitar in it is amazing. I don't like all of Switchfoot's songs, but that one is really great. Wow, i'm downloading Switchfoot stuff, and, you know what? They ARE really good. Like really good. I like them! you should listen to them! Anyways, today was....uneventful. I read some, I saw Emily! Yay! we walked to Diary Queen and got some Blizzards, and talked about loads of stuff. Then I went and picked up my car!!!! MY CAR!!!!! MY BABY'S BACK! You don't know how happy I am to see that thing! Of course damned if i wanted to PAY all that money. I went to my counselor, I guess it's helping, i just don't seem to be going anywhere. She keeps telling me I'm going to cry, that she sees it....I guess I don't feel like crying right now, it's probly all still buried somewhere. Beach on Saturday! YES!!!! Okay, well i don't really feel like writing anymore today, I can't really. Stuff for the private diary, not for public blog ;)


Wednesday, June 18, 2003

DAVE CHURCH IS THE COOLEST EVER!!!!! He made me a DVD of my recital. Now, if y'all want one, let me know although I can have him making like 30 of them. But if you DESPERATELY want a DVD (note, I can also make a VHS tape, which would be less trouble for Mr. Church) just let me know- I'll probly have you buy the materials and I'll copy it for you. The DVD has pictures and scene selection and stuff too :). I didn't write about my day TODAY on my last blog entry, thought I'd let you know. So I got home from camping around 11:30, took a really quick shower and took off to go pick up Mike at school. It was nice being back at school, although I didn't really see many people. Picked up Mike, we went back to my house and checked out movie times, then we set out for Starbucks, saw the lady that's there every day with her water and crosswords (I love her she's SO nice) and also saw Richard Bishop (cool guy) and Phoebe's REAL mother. I got a mocha malt (mmmmm chocolate and coffee, what could be better? I like the chocolate malts too, but they taste too much like whoppers for my taste). Anyways, after Starbucks we went to pick up movie tickets early, since the movie was at 3:40 and we were picking up Phoebe at 3:30. Yes, it's called creative driving. So THEN we still had like an hour, I had no idea what to do so we came back to my house and watched the tape of my flute recital, which I guess wasn't as bad as i thought now that I watched it. We went to go pick Phoebe up from school, and we hightailed over to Regal. We got there JUST in time for the previews. Which didn't look all that impressive. Finding Nemo was the CUTEST EVER OMG!!!!! I LOVE the previews!!! And the seagulls...hahaha "mine?....mine?" the crabs "hey, hey hey...hey hey hey..." they do look like that it's hilarious! Yup, so then after the movie (which i DEFINITELY recommend you ALL see ASAP) Phoebe and I drove Mike to his boyscout thing at Lake Needwood and I drove her home, and came home, and sat. I wanted to go to the gym but then my mother had dinner ready and so i couldn't go then, then Dave came over with the DVD so I couldn't go after that, hmph. I'll go tomorrow. Plans for tomorrow: Cut grass, eat lunch with Emily, go to counseling....ahhhh this is the LIFE yo!!!


I'm back! And boy Ersin and Ranwa had a field day with my comments...didn't they? hmph. Yes, camping was soooo much fun although it rained the whole time (so much for Supan luck right?!). We sat around the campfire and had smores and hotdogs (hahaha, my the fire....riiiiiiight) and ALMOST met hot hot hot guys that played the banjo (grrrrrr....WHO said they weren't leaving?!) We also played cards....I'm STILL VP whenever we get around to it again, I'm NEVER letting go of that position. And talked about lots of things (Ben- "hey guys, does this make my butt look big?"). Ben was the resident boyscout (Ruchita-"Hey Ben, those branches are SO CUTE!") and he did everything for us, we would have been lost without him. Although he thought we were pretty good entertainment as well (I stand for Motherhood, America....) The boardwalk was....cold, although we did get to ride the Gravitron and eat and Grotto's Pizza (how many?! 3?!?!?) while Ben made fun of us for being really cold (It's a wind breaker, it's not much for insulation...oh, and HERE! Let ME keep you warm!!!) not to mention that random guy who yelled at us as we were leaving. Okay, we had a great time, I'd write more but I need to go to the gym now...thank you BEN (I'm sure it's MOSTLY muscle....grrrrr). And if you don't understand what i'm talking about....awwww. Maybe you could ask me about it! I'll explain. I'll definitely explain the hot guys...mmmm hot guys ;)


Monday, June 16, 2003


Sunday, June 15, 2003

Hmph. A lot has been happening lately. I'll probly write more about it at a later date when it's all over with. Don't worry it's not anything about me or anything. I'm going camping tomorrow! Well, hopefully. I can't wait! 2 piece bathing suit! Haha, and I ate SO much today. Popcorn, pulled chicken BBQ sandwhich- whew! Father's day was fun, went to see "Winged Migration"- it was an awesome movie! So it was an hour and a half movie about the migration of birds, but damned if it wasn't better than half the movies I've seen lately. It's really really awesome! These people worked for 3 years with these birds and flew with them in mini helicopters and handgliders and stuff and so the birds after a while just took them as one of the flock. The shots these people got are AMAZING! I've never seen anything like it. So I suggest you see it, it's definitely worth it. The music is wonderful too, and well it should be because there's only about 15 minutes of talking total in the entire movie. Believe me I had my doubts about it, but it's a wonderful piece of art. Okay so then I went to my flute recital, which was horrible. I was really dry (my throat) and about 3 times during my solo my throat just closed. I couldn't control it! It would just stop airflow, it was terrible. So yea, the trio was great great great tho just like i knew it would be. After that we went to Red Hot and Blue and ate really good dinner, then I stopped by Giant to get some sunscreen (woooo BEACH!) and I was humming along to the song in the store when the cashier lady said "damn girl, American Idol!" it was so funny. She was really nice. I told her about the whole Montgomery Idol thing and she was really nice to me :). So yea, now i'm at home waiting for Heather to call me. This is going to potentially be a very long night.