it's snowing here! correction, it's been snowing since last night here and we have about a foot right now. Outside it is 20 degrees, and still snowing. It will be snowing until tomorrow. I love it so much! snow snow snow! But it makes it SO hard to concentrate. I seriously have done close to no work :(. But i'm doing it, slowly and surely. I'll be getting some pictures up of the snow shortly. I have a christmas tree! I'm making ornaments for it, it's so much fun. The tree is fake of course, and about 3 feet tall, but it's adorable and i love my little tree. i'm so excited for christmas now and going home to rockville! I miss all you guys! Okay i gotta go do work, there's gonna be a big drama dept. snow ball fight tonight and i want in...
I whisper through my donut
hey baby baby light that ass on fire
Saturday, December 06, 2003
Thursday, December 04, 2003
revision to my previous Pericles tickets are for Saturday, not Friday. Anyone wanna come with me? PLEASE someone come with me!
Tuesday, December 02, 2003
so i just wanted to say that my Thanksgiving break was amazing and I had so much fun. Props to Christina who ran a 5 mile "Turkey Burn-off" run on Saturday, in 51 minutes! I took it upon myself to start running as well, so I ran 4.5 miles on Sunday and 2.5 miles yesterday. My legs hurt like shit. Now Jenny says I have to recooperate before going back, so I can't go tonight. Oh well, i didn't eat much anyway, I won't get THAT fat ;). Man, I scared myself to death today thinking that I had to rewrite this 10 page paper, when I found out that I only had to look over it for my personal benefit. Thank GOD! I'm so relieved, i thought the whole thing was due tomorrow. So I did all my work earlier today because of this paper, and now I don't have ANY work! I'm just gonna get a head start on things due later in the week/next week. Everyone in Ithaca come see Pericles this weekend, it previews tonight and opens thursday. If anyone wants to go see it with me i have an extra ticket! I'm counting down the days until Winter Break, i'm SO excited to be going home for a month. Christina & Pam here I COME!!!! oh guys, sad news- my grandmother fell down the stairs yesterday and broke both her ankles :(. She's gonna be okay but it's really sad and she had to have surgery on one of them today. So pray for her or something so she gets better fast. Well, I gotta run because the Opera Workshop is tonight at 8:15 and i have to go cheer on the Musical Theatre majors! I'll write more later I guess