Saturday, May 10, 2003

Ugh, Eric Zhang and his live journal. He seems so defensive to everything everyone says, and I guess he does take a lot of shit. I think people should really stop giving him shit for his sexual preference, it's not like he can help it, jeez. And that's all I've got to say on that subject. In different news, my mother's back from Canyon De Chelly! And she got me a kokopelli (sp?) watch and some awesome socks! wooooo. I auditioned for Hello Dolly at Montgomery College today- I got to read for Minnie Fay! Wouldn't that be a fun part to do! I got to read Minnie's monologue. I don't think I'll actually get it tho, there were soooo many people trying out. Didn't do much else today, Christina was supposed to come over but couldn't. I finished the last page of my new diary today and I'm freakin out cuz I need to get a new one. I finished a whole book in 2 months! Lots to write about I guess. Okay, I'm going to bed it's late.
*HAHA, or haha- which one Linda?
*Oog Oog.
*You know, I haven't mentioned this in a really long time and I want to keep it alive. POKE-A-MOKE. HICK OLYMPIC SPORT

Friday, May 09, 2003

Todayyyyyyyyy todayyyyyyy, i did nothing todayyyyyyy. Well, kinda did nothing. I went to a voice lesson. I came into school at lunch...ehem bill...and after school...sorry mike! Mara came over for a while. This morning I went to the gym! I did real good today at the gym, more than I usually do and everything. Tomorrow I'm going to cut the grass and go to an audition for Hello Dolly at Mongtomery College. I really doubt that I'll get anything, but it's worth a shot all the same. After that Christina and I are gonna chill and then go pick my mom up from the airport. She's gonna be home again! Thank god, my datebook! Practiced flute more, went over some of my songs. I've consistantly hit a high E (ABOVE high C folks!) for 3 days in a row! I'm excited. I saw Dena today cuz her voice lesson was right after mine. I'm glad that I noticed I HAD a voice lesson cuz i was about to go out to see X2 with Mike squared, but oh well. I still wanna see it tho. I watched 8 Women tonight. Also, a VERY good movie. Although it had a very sad ending, which I was not expecting. Ugh, Pogo's sitting on the keyboard trying to lick me. Either that or he's trying to eat me- I wouldn't be surprised either way. Mother's day on sunday! Spent 30 of my last 50 dollars on my mom. Let's hope I get some more money soon!!!!!! Pogo's now trying to bite me. What a crazy ass cat. Stupid stupid cat. So you know what I love? When people seem SOOOO happy to see you at school when you haven't been there for a week. Why, even Mr. Perry was happy to see me! Somewhat. And then he tried to talk me into coming back to school. I think I will sometime next week. Not Monday tho, blech. I've got to rememeber to do my Stat project- teach my Dad inferential statistics. Gooood stuff. I saw Emily and Mara and Maddie (well I see Maddie every day almost, just at her locker at the end of school) and Laura Palau! It's her birthday on Monday everyone so get her stuff!!! Maybe I will come in monday. Hmmm, decisions decisions. I don't think I have any inside jokes for today, only inside jokes with myself, and those are nooooo fun. Hmph. Tomorrow will be more fun. Going out shopping with my mom soon for necklace and shoes!!!! yayyyyyyyyyyyyy


Thursday, May 08, 2003

Okay I just completely embarressed myself. When I was away from the computer I wrote the lyrics that I thought went to Jesus Christ Superstar. Yea so I was wrong! Jeez. I know them now. "Jesus Christ, Superstar- Do you think you're what they say you are"....see I got it! Okay, much better day after noon. First, yes, Pamela DID forget about it. Grrrr. I went out to lunch with Bill, which was really REALLY amusing. Just the people you see. Hmph. Although my father told me I have to stop going out and eating crap and then not eating dinner. Bah, I had a vegetarian quesadilla. Good for you! Vegetables! Oh well, I need to stop spending money. Which reminds me, if any of you reading this owe me money, can I have it? I need it. Thanks. Watched Jesus Christ Superstar. WHAT A GOOD MOVIE OH MY GOD. hahaha, oh my god....funny. Okay, so yea, great movie and I suggest you all rent it. btw it's the 2000 version, not the 70's version, the 70's version sucks. Judas is amazing in this one, and Annas kicks ASS!!! Well nothing really more to report about tonight, cuz nothing else happened. Saw David Spencer when I was out with Bill. Yup. That was fun. He had just gotten a hair cut- course I couldn't tell at all, didn't look any different to me! (just a couple inches of the bottom, ya know).

*Awwww...Awwwww he just ate her food! Did you see that? That girl walked away and he ate her food....
*There is a taco hidden on this track...RUN FOR IT...Andrew'd probly get it first ;)

how gross IS it outside!!! yeeeeich.I felt all springy today so I put on a skirt and a tank top, but looks as tho that's not gonna cut it for outside. I'm bout to just go chnage into some jeans and a T-shirt and go run around like a mad woman. Yea, I'm bored. Pam's supposed to be coming over in the next 10 minutes but I have a sneaking suspicion she hasn't woken up yet. I just painted my nails blue. Yay! And I've been practicing my flute all morning. There's definitely something wrong with it, it sounds really airy. I hope it's not just me sucking...So, thunder storms. They're the best. Especially when it's warm out. Is it warm out? I dunno. Shit I just messed up my nail polish. I do it EVERY time. grrrr. Oh well. I did my hair really cute today too. See what a person can accomplish when they've got nothing to do?! After this, if Pam doesn't show up, I'll probly start my homework. HOMEWORK!!! I'll do some of it! I know, this "having time to do stuff" bit is makin me crazy. Lessee, today's plans: see Pam from noon to 1. Pick up Bill from 2:10 to somewhere around 4. Go to gym. HAHAHA THAT'S IT!!! Isn't that the best?! Oh, and my mother's friends from Alexandria sent me 100 dollars for a graduation present. Now, what am I supposed to do with graduation money? Can I spend it? I honestly don't know. Am I supposed to spend it on stuff for college? Am I supposed to save it for like, food in college and stuff? OR, can I actually have the money now and buy a mother's day present for my mom? I'd like your input. Again, if I could figure out how to get comments on this damn thing. I've noticed that Dena has them, and Ranwa has them, and EVERYONE else has them but i don't. WHYYYYY?! Somebody IM me and tell me why! PleASE!? Dammit I just messed up my nails again. When I was practicing my flute earlier, my cat Pogo wouldn't shut up. He always meows at the top of his lungs whenever I'm playing, as if I didn't know I suck enough already. I locked him in my den today, couldn't deal with it! WHERE IS PAMMMM. She's supposed to be here. Thunder Thunder Thunder. It was thundering and last night too, on the way to the opera. Fortunately my father was smart enought to remind me to take my umbrella. I didn't get TOO wet, just one side of me. Ersin and Valex and Ranwa got SOAKED tho. Funny shit. Okay, ya know what? I'm gonna go now, even tho I still have nothing to do since Pam is not here. I'll write more later, and as for inside jokes, I don't have any for today yet, so hold yer horses they're coming later.


Wednesday, May 07, 2003

Opera? Disappointment? UhHUH. The Theory Exam was horrrrrrible. I didn't know what the hell to do on most of it, just kinda faked my way through. Oh well. I did really well on the sightsinging! Ugh. I'm going to bed. I got plenty a' nuthin to do tomorrow ;)


-Liquor Lara?!
-ehem....Marilyn Monroe...Seven Year Itch?! I never thought it happened in real life!!!!

bored as all hell cuz i'm not studying for Theory. I got my ears pierced today! And my dad got his left ear pierced- is that the right ear for straight guys? We couldn't remember, so I hope it's right!!! I saw this gorgeous necklace at the kiosk I wanna get my necklace for prom from. I can't wait to get it, but I'm going with my mom so I'll have to wait a little bit. It's SO PRETTY!!!!! And I made my hair/makeup appointment at Rainbow- I'm going with Christina : ). So now all I need is shoes and makeup (im gonna bring some of my own to Rainbow) and hair stuff. It's all coming together! this is so great. Ooo and I got this anklet that's a heart with a peace sign in it. PEACE OUT YO


Tuesday, May 06, 2003

you know what? I deal with too much drama for my own good. Stupid high school drama. Sometimes i wanna give it all up. And by all i mean ALL. (not my life, no i'm not suicidal don't get worried now!) I just wanna sit on my ass and play the flute or something. Not worry about things, not get angry or frusterated about things, not get hurt by things! Ugh, to just BE for a while, that's an amazing feeling. I've seriously wrapped myself up into so many things I can't find my way out again. It would be great to just go outside, not have to think, just lay. I wish it was warmer outside, i'd do that right now. I just find myself constantly worrying and thinking and reminding myself of things I have to do. Sometimes I feel like I'm inside a box of obligations and I can't get out. That sucks. guuhhhhh. You'd think that I would be doing great because of no school and all, but I haven't stopped! Every day I have a million things to do, school's just not one of them. And look at the time, it's almost 10 and I haven't done what I wanted to do today. Sit down and practice my flute. Or sing. Or both. Lordy lordy lordy, to think my life is simple. I need to do my nails too. And go out and buy my mom a mother's day presant. and my grandmother. See?! There I go again. Seconds go by without a thought and suddenly i'm reminding myself of all the things that need to be done. I need to do my scholarships, arrange the piece for Senior Recognition. Maybe write another piece for Theory because I don't wanna screw Steve over. And even when I'm about to go to bed. I still can't stop thinking. It took me 2 hours to go to bed two days ago because I just couldn't clear my mind of stuff to fall asleep. So I don't know what to do, because I'm one of those people who like to constantly be doing stuff, but yet all I really need to do is sllowwwwww down. But then i get really bored really fast. God, I don't know what i'm going to do with myself. Well, i'm gonna end this, screw the inside jokes for today, although i'm sure there were so many. Oh yea, can't end this without mentioning the Carol Channing skip....chachachachachacha...only a lot funnier then that looks

gah. Will write more later. Am utterly confused. grrrrr

Monday, May 05, 2003

Not gonna write much, very late. Had awards "gala" tonight- great stuff. Ben Evans is by far the coolest. Lily, you rock too!!! So yea, the girl from Einstein's Hello Dolly was at the thing, and sang So Long Dearie along with performing the Harmonia Gardens scene. grrrrrrr. But i must say I did get waaaaaaay more laughs than she got with MY rendition. AND, they STOLE our moves!! In So Long Dearie with the choo choo part and the cane- YEA! they DID that tonight! grrrrrrrrrRRRRr. Well, that's okay- flattery, yes. "You'll Never Walk Alone" was good, I didn't have my complete voice, but MEH. Whatever, people liked it. AND, I got Myra's name out there ;). Never cease to plug. Went to the gym today- feel better about myself already. I've got stage makeup alllllll over my face. Yucko. Oh, speaking of plugging, make sure you come to MY SENIOR RECITAL ON JUNE 8TH!!!! I dunno what time so just leave the whoooole day open. You'll be glad you did it's gonna be great! Yup, today was AP Lit exam. uh huh. It was okay I guess. Now i'm worried about the Theory test. It's really hard I've heard, and since I know nothing about theory...uhhh yea. I'm going to Barnes and Noble at 10 (during school hours hehehehehehehehehehehe) with Dena and she's gonna help me. I've got to remember to buy a frame and a mothers day present/card for Mother and Grandmother. Okay, time for bed.

Inside JOKE....

*The fingerprint. Yea, that's seriously all I could think of. And MORSE CODE- All right Ben let's get crackin

Sunday, May 04, 2003

Yay things are better! I almost got killed like 5 times yesterday tho. There are some kaRAZY drivers out there. The worst one was when this truck that had a wooden back to it (you know, the part that opens and closes) went over a bump and the back of the truck fell off...into the road...right in front of me. Good stuff. Then this other time this car just randomly started drifting into my lane, and I didn't even notice until it swerved back after almost hitting me. THEN, this car almost turned right into me when I had the right of way. Absolutely insane. I helped Mara babysit yesterday- the kids were SOOOOO cute!! Sarah and Joey, 2 and 3. Sarah would cry incessantly, but Joey was a great kid. This house was absolutely perfect too, with these gorgeous rooms for the kids with butterflies on Sarah's wall and Basketballs and Baseballs on Joey's wall. They had this HUGE ass bigscreen TV with Direct TV too. Goooood stuff. Then today, Mara, Christina and I went to Tysons to buy Christina's prom dress and keep on searching for Mara's. I don't think Mara's going to find one, cuz we went to every single damn dress store in Maryland and couldn't find anything she liked. oooohhh well, she already has the one she bought in New York, it's just that she's going to have to pay 100 of it if she decides she wants to wear it this year instead of next year. I honestly think she should wait till next year to wear it, there was this wonderful dress at Macy's that was only 79.00, but she didn't like it too much. I really like my prom dress, I'm so excited! Starting tomorrow I'm going to the gym every day for 3 weeks in the morning before I do anything else with my day- it's the best time to work out. I still need to get a necklace, shoes and a purse. Should I get a tiara for my hair? the dress is really "regal" so I was thinking it would look cute. I think I'm going to get my hair done at Rainbow, cuz christina and Laura are going there too. I need to get an appointment tho, and soon. Well, didn't do much else with my day today- I cut the grass yesterday woooo. Oh, I was supposed to go out with Ben and Jared today, but I couldn't reach them last night or this morning, and since I wasn't over at my house (I spent the night at Mara's) I couldn't stay online. If you guys are reading this, sorry! I didn't mean to blow you off, I just couldn't get a hold of you. I'm sure we can do it sometime next week or something. Weeellll, i'm kinda bored now, don't got nuthin to do. Can't really study for English, I could go sleep. Actually, that's probly what I'll do- I didn't get much sleep last night. I really can't stay asleep when I'm sleeping on the floor, my back starts hurting like hell after a while, I guess I'm just stupid or something. That's right, old and decrepid. (dicrepit?du, ugh i don't know). Man, I've got nothing to do tonight either, I feel like a loser. Bill's going to see Rent with his mom, I hope he has fun- I heard Alias' final episode is on tonight- 2 hours of that ka-razy shit! mmm, if i watched it I would be excited...but I don't. Oh dude, we went to Tyson's II and looked in Saks Fifth Avenue and Nemon Marcus- JEEZUS! over a 1000 dollars for a dress. I could NOT believe it. And I looked like SUCH a hobo walkin in there- we left pretty quickly. Were their any inside jokes today? Uhhh, i don't think so. I guess I'll just end this entry without inside jokes- isn't that a CRIME! oh well, double tomorrow then, I promise
